Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Incompatible Numerology Energies
It's rare that a comprehensive numerology reading is perceived by the recipient as 100% accurate.
The reason is this: there are conflicting energies, energies that are incompatible with each other.
When a nudge to follow whim is accompanied with a nudge to be methodical, the two don't mix. It's one or the other. Usually.
A personal numerology chart can have many instances of slightly or highly incompatible numbers.
The challenge for a numerologist, when you get an in-person reading, is to determine which of the two (or more) incompatible energies are most likely to be the strongest — and in what situations.
With online numerology readings, conflicting numbers generally are published as if they all have the same influence. When there is no discernment for which numbers have the most influence, it may seem as if the reading is not 100% accurate.
There is a way to understand this.
For the explanation, we'll stay with single-digit numbers. Addressing multi-digit numbers could introduce so many nuances that the entire explanation becomes confusing.
Single-digit numbers can represent multi-digit numbers in a general way. In fact, most numerology readings are composed of only single-digit numbers.
Here is a one-word description of the energy represented by each single-digit number 1 through 9.
1: Aloneness.
2: Coexistence.
3: Creative.
4: Methodical.
5: Whimsical.
6: Responsible.
7: Introspective.
8: Business.
9: Humanitarian.
As you can see, the energies of odd and even numbers sequentially next to each other tend to be incompatible — the lower numbers more so than the higher numbers.
When the resonance of incompatible energies overlap, there is an effect.
Let's take the energies of the number 4 and the number 5 as an example — a numerology chart number 4 heart's desire and a number 5 personality. Both the heart's desire number and the personality number are calculated from a person's name.
The 4 energy and the 5 energy can not express themselves simultaneously with the same force. They can both be present. But one will have more force than the other.
The heart's desire, being a very personal chart position, tends to gain force when the person is alone or intent on a project. The personality, being a more outgoing and revealing personal chart position, tends to gain force when interacting with people.
The key point is — the energies of the numbers 4 and 5 are incompatible. The energies simply won't fit together. There is a dissonance when both are present.
Therefore, one or the other is predominant. While alone or focused, the 4 energy tends to be predominant. When the person is around other people, the 5 energy tends to be predominant.
(You can see now one reason people may be quite different when by themselves than they are when interacting with others.)
The energies of both 4 and 5 are always available for the person. But only one can be the strongest energy.
There are a number of personal numerology chart positions that overlap. When their numbers are somewhat or highly incompatible, only the energy represented by one of them can be predominant at any one time, which is why the reading may seem less than 100% accurate.
An example is the life path number and the life period number. Both relate to events and circumstances a person tends to encounter as they live life. Because only one can be predominant, it may seem as if the reading is not 100% accurate.
Accurate Numerology or Free Will, speaks directly to the question of accuracy in numerology and may be of interest.