Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Like Attracts Like

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Numerology numbers represent energy.

Energy attracts other energy that has a similar resonance, a similar vibration.

"Like attracts like" can be seen to apply in day to day life. Party-goers attract party-goers. Corporate executives attract corporate executives. People tend to be closer friends with those who are more like themselves.

Another aspect of the "like attracts like" principle is that people tend to see more of what they focus on.

As an example, if a person sees the number 21 several times during one day, they might wonder about it. Because they are wondering about it, some of their attention is focused on it. Because attention is focused on it, they tend to see the number 21 more often.

Numerologists often use the principle when interpreting readings. We'll talk more about that.

Some of the ways the "like attracts like" principle is used in numerology are to:

  • Calculate compatibility readings.

  • Determine how a name is likely to affect a person, their outlook on life, and their perception of the individual they know themselves to be.

  • Obtain a view into certain points of the future for an idea of the type of events and circumstances that are likely to manifest at that time.

Compatibility Readings

For compatibility readings, the "like attracts like" principle is used to determine immediate- or long-term compatibility. Persons with a certain predominant number, or several instances of a number, in their numerology chart tend to get along best with others who have the same or similar dominant numbers.

Some of the compatibility information available at this website are:

Name Effects

For determining how a name is likely to affect a person, calculations of name-related core numbers provide the most immediate insight. Additional insight can be obtained with other calculations done with name-related calculators. Here are a few.

More calculators can be found at the tools and calculators index page.

Seeing a Likely Future

For a view into certain points of the future, see the looking into the future article. Also the article about what the future holds.

The "like attracts like" principle is active. The attractions tend to be subtle, but they are persistent.

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