Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
What Does My Future Hold?
Certain aspects of the future can be known. But not everything.
The future is malleable.
Still, tendencies and likelihoods affecting the future can be known. These are forecasts created by interpreting the energy of certain numbers resulting from numerology calculations.
Because the future is malleable, you can influence it.
If you like what numerology says about your future, you can support it by your actions, as you live life, from now to that future point in time. If you prefer a different future, your actions can influence what your future holds.
You rule your life. Your actions have a decided impact on what your future will be. There is no draconian, carved in stone, unalterable, "this is how it must be" future.
Numerology can reveal what is likely, what things and situations tend to manifest. It is done by interpreting the results of calculations when a numerology profile is prepared.
The most frequently asked question at the Numerology Questions website is "What Does My Future Hold?"
So, What Does Your Future Hold?
Below is a step-by-step how-to for determining the future that numerology calculations reveal. Click on the first link of each step for an online tool to calculate the number for that step. Other links are informational.
All but the first step, the life path number, are cycles. Some have longer duration and some shorter.
All but the second step, the power number, require only the birth date for calculation. The power number requires both name and birth date.
The first step is to determine your life path number.
The life path interpretation is an indication of the type of events and circumstances that tend to manifest persistently or intermittently as you live life.
Next, determine your power number.
The power number energy becomes significant somewhere around 40 years of age and remains in effect for the rest of your life.
There are three life period cycles. Determine your current and future life period cycle numbers.
The life period cycles description page has interpretations for each possible cycle number calculation result.
There are four pinnacles. Determine your current and future pinnacles for another view of likely changes up ahead.
The pinnacle cycles indicate periods of transformation in personal lives. When you are prepared for the change, it is not a surprise.
There are also challenges that can be determined with calculations using your birth date.
The challenges are an indication of some of the things that are likely to require special attention. There are two ways to handle the challenges.
The personal year is a yearly cycle of changes. The calculator provides an interpretation for this year and for next year.
The personal year cycle is significant because internal urges shift. Your personal list of what is important and what is not important tends to be adjusted. Life is somehow changed.
When the steps have been completed, you'll have a good sense of how the energy revealed by numerology can affect your life. The energy influences your future by the tendencies and likelihoods it introduces.
You, too, can influence your future. The numerology energy isn't overpowering. It brings certain vibrations, but you're not beholden to them.
If the future is what you prefer, it can be supported by what you do from now on.
Similarly, if you prefer a different future, do the actions that result in the future you prefer.
Your future is something you create. It is malleable. It is pliable. And it can be shaped by you.