Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology Name Analysis

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Analyzing a name is interpreting the numerology energy represented by the name.

The purpose of an analysis is to provide someone with knowledge about themself and a feeling of certainty. When the name is accurately and appropriately interpreted, the analysis can give the person considerable personal understanding with which to make life choices.

A name analysis is a numerology reading. But the intent may differ. A name analysis is a focus on the name. A numerology reading generally interprets both the name and birth date.

The name focus, omitting the potential distraction of birth date energy, allows the analysis to be deeper or clearer than general numerology readings.

With a basic or foundational name analysis, each of three specific name numbers is deeply analyzed. No number relationships to other numerology chart positions apply here.

There may be analysis of additional name numbers. But a basic name analysis generally addresses only those three most important numbers.

Now, let's talk about the three most important name numbers.

Most Important Numerology Name Numbers

When analyzing a name with numerology, the numerologist generally works with a minimum of three name numbers.

The three are present for virtually every personal numerology chart.

There is a good reason. The three numbers are all numerology core numbers.

The number at each of the core chart positions represents an energy. The energy is consulted to interpret the meaning for that particular person with that particular name.

The three numerology name core numbers are:

  1. The Destiny Number

    The numerology destiny number represents energy that relates to how the person knows themself to be now, and the person they tend to become more of or tend to evolve into. The destiny number suggests the direction of their evolvement.

    Information article: Your Numerology Chart Destiny Number

    Calculator: Numerology Destiny Tool

  2. The Heart's Desire Number

    The numerology heart's desire number represents energy that relates to an inner urge the person is born with and that drives them — a perpetual motivation. It does not indicate a lack, but the opposite. It indicates an inner resource, something innate.

    Information article: Your Heart's Desire Number

    Calculator: Heart's Desire Number Calculator

  3. The Personality Number

    The energy represented by the personality number influences how a person presents themself to the world and how they approach life. The energy provides a clue to what is likely to be welcomed wholeheartedly, what is found comfortable, and is likely to be embraced.

    Information article: Your Personality Number

    Calculator: Personality Number Calculator

Analyzing those three numbers according to their chart positions can result in profound illuminations.

Lackadaisical, quick, or shallow analysis may, but is unlikely, to reveal much of consequence.

The name analysis calculator can help you with the calculations. It also presents interpretations.

For best analysis, become thoroughly familiar with each of the numbers in their pertinent chart positions. When understood, the energy can be interpreted with clarity.

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