Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology for a Happy and Successful Marriage
Numerology can reveal energies to make a happy and successful marriage more likely.
Considerations are:
Partner compatibility — how well their personal numerology charts resonate with each other.
The date of the marriage — marriage dates that resonate well with one or both partners are generally considered the most auspicious.
The marriage date also provides energy to nudge the marriage toward certain types of experiences and fulfillment.
Of course, how marriage turns out is up to the partners — what each partner does and does not do that affects the marriage. If carefully determined, numerology energies can make it easier to maintain a wonderful marriage.
The purpose of this article is to list marriage-focused articles and calculators found at this web site. You'll find the title, a short introduction, and a link to the full article or calculator.
Let's get started.
Auspicious Marriage Date
Couples want to know the best date to get married. They want a lucky wedding day, of course. But they also want an auspicious marriage — a long, successful, and happy marriage.
The Auspicious Marriage Date report provides guidance and an answer.
When I Will Get Married
The "When will I get married?" question plagues countless young men and women today.
Answering this question requires looking into the future. Even then, the answer obtained may no longer apply when that future time becomes the present – events may have rearranged themselves in the meantime.
Likely Marriage Dates
The time periods when marriage is more likely to take place can be calculated with numerology using the birth month and day numbers.
Certain numbers related to months and years in the future are more in resonance with a marriage taking place than are other numbers.
Likely Marriage Dates Calculator
The calculator on this page can reveal the time periods when marriage is more likely for you. The calculator looks up to 10 years into the future.
Your betrothed probably has a different birth date. Use the calculator for their birth date as well as your own. Then, superimpose the two results to see where they overlap.
Marriage Compatibility
Partner compatibility can be calculated by comparing the numbers for specific numerology traits. This article talks about how the calculations are done, and why.
The comparison process yields scores. To find the overall marriage compatibility, two of the trait scores are averaged. Instructions are provided in the article.
Marriage Compatibility Reading
This tool calculates the numerology factors of marriage compatibility.
The calculation results are likelihoods. They are based on the numbers obtained from the names and birth dates you provide. Much more than just name and birth date vibrations go into a relationship and affect a relationship.
Marriage Destiny
When two people come together and create a marriage, the marriage itself has a numerology profile.
Because marriages don't have their own names, the numerology destiny of the marriage is intertwined with the independent destinies of the spouses.
Marriage Destiny Tool
The full destiny of a marriage is pretty much in the hands of the marriage partners. However, the marriage has a numerology destiny of its own.
The numerology destiny is calculated by first combining the names of the partners and then calculating the values of the resulting letters.
Marriage Life Path
Every marriage has a life path. Certain types of events and circumstances are attracted to the marriage more than others. In numerology, the marriage life path is calculated with the wedding date.
The marriage life path is focused on things that spouses experience together — not as individuals but as a marriage.
Marriage Life Path Tool
A marriage has a life path energy represented by the numerology number calculated from the wedding date.
The life path energy of the marriage tends to affect the life path energies of the marriage partners. The marriage life path tool calculates the life path number, then responds with an interpretation of the energy represented by that number.
A marriage can be good and happy and astonishingly successful. An auspicious wedding date is a great place to start.