Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology Benefits When Birth Name or Date Are Unknown

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If I don't know my birth name, can I still use numerology?

If I don't know my exact date of birth, does numerology apply to me at all?

The answers are "yes" and "yes." Just not all of numerology.

Even if you are uncertain about both your birth name and birth date, you can still use some of numerology.

Let me explain.

There are 3 broad aspects of numerology.

  1. The readings and energy interpretations from a person's name.

  2. The readings and energy interpretations from a person's date of birth.

  3. Numerology readings external from the person.

Not Sure My Birth Name

For a traditional numerology chart reading, the reading generally requires the name as first recorded at birth. There are exceptions. And there are specialized readings for common names and ancestral names.

A person's common name can be used for readings so long as it is recognized that using the birth name might have different results. Same with a new name because of a name change — perhaps a married name or a self-initiated name change.

Professional names, such as actors and singers, can have their own numerology readings. And pen names used by writers.

Although other personal or professional names can be used in numerology readings, and each can have value, it is important to be cognizant that the reading is likely to be different than if the birth name were used.

Not Sure My Birth Date

The date of birth is used not only to determine a person's life path, but also the various cycles based on the date — challenges, pinnacles, personal years, transits, … .

Unfortunately, without the birth date, the life path and cycle numbers can not be calculated.

Uncertain About Both Birth Name and Birth Date

Numerology readings external from the person can still be done.

These would be readings for things like addresses and other locations and telephone numbers. Also company names.

A person can always benefit from numerology, even if the birth name and/or the birth date are unknown.

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