Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Name Numbers You Are Missing
Many people's names have missing numbers when the letters of the name are converted to foundation numbers.
Missing name numbers indicate certain numerology energies aren't being represented by the person's name.
Like numbers that are present, missing numbers also indicate likely character traits.
When the number 5 is missing, for example, the energies represented by the number 5 aren't present in the name. The person may have a dislike of crowds and may be uncomfortable with change. (Expanded interpretation further below.)
Of course, dislike of crowds and discomfort with change can be traits even when the number 5 is present in a person's name. It's just that when the 5 is missing, those traits are more likely.
The absence of a number's energy, because a number is missing, creates a tendency to approach life in certain ways. It attracts experiences consistent with the approach.
Although generally not a negative trait, knowing what they are can let a person be aware of them and take them into account when making life decisions.
How To Determine Your Missing Name Numbers
Every letter of a person's name is represented by a foundation number. The foundation number for letters of a name is a single-digit number. When letter numbers are converted to foundation numbers, there may be one or more numbers missing.
If any of the missing numbers are present as a core number, those numbers are removed from the missing numbers list.
The energy represented by missing numbers (after core numbers have been removed from the list) is interpreted for meaning.
The missing name numbers calculator can do the calculations for you. It also provides an interpretation for each missing number of the name.
This list presents interpretations for all possible missing numbers.
Missing Number Interpretations
Here is a numerology interpretation of each number 1 through 9 when it is missing from both the birth name letters and the major name numbers.
Missing Number 1
The numerology number 1 energy resonates with self-reliance, self-determination, and exploration.
With 1 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on independence, confidence, courage, and initiative. The person may be more interested in others than in themself.
Missing Number 2
The numerology number 2 energy resonates with relationships, companionship, and diplomacy.
With 2 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on cooperating with others and being sensitive to their needs and emotions. The person is more likely to walk away from conflicts than to pursue a peaceful resolution.
Missing Number 3
The numerology number 3 energy resonates with creative self-expression, optimism, and social interaction.
With 3 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on creativity, imagination, and self-esteem. The person is likely to place more emphasis on being serious about life.
Missing Number 4
The numerology number 4 energy resonates with focus, methodology, and pragmatism.
With 4 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on focus, disipline, persistence, and patience. Shortcuts and avoidance of effort may be pursued in lieu of hard work.
Missing Number 5
The numerology number 5 energy resonates with expression of a personal sense of freedom, curiosity, and adventure.
With 5 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on curiosity, communication skills, and acceptable human interaction. There may be a dislike of crowds. Changes may make the person uncomfortable.
Missing Number 6
The numerology number 6 energy resonates with home, family, and nurturing.
With 6 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on duty or responsibility. Domestic issues may be taken lightly. There may be less urge to have a home or home base.
Missing Number 7
The numerology number 7 energy resonates with inner perspective, studiousness, and both scientific and spiritual perspectives.
With 7 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on deep understanding and is unlikely to question things on more than a superficial level. There may be a tendency to jump to conclusions before examining the evidence.
Missing Number 8
The numerology number 8 energy resonates with finances, taking charge, and material acquisition.
With 8 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on money, power, and material possessions. There is likely to be less stress about money. Financial assistance and money management is likely to come through others.
Missing Number 9
The numerology number 9 energy resonates with tolerance, compassion, and humanitarianism.
With 9 energy being missing from the name, the person tends to place less emphasis on empathy and the well-being of the people of the world. Perspective tends to be narrowed in focus rather than wide and encompassing.
Missing Number Traits
When a number is missing from a name, the energy the number represents lends itself to interpretation of certain character traits.
The missing number may be elsewhere in the person's numerology chart. In that case, the effect of the missing number energy tends to be less.
The missing name numbers calculator can be used to do the calculations.