Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Company Name Compatibility

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Companies are businesses. They provide a product or service for individuals or organizations.

The numerology of a company name represents certain energy. The category or type of product or service the company provides also represents certain energy.

When the company name energy is compatible with the type of product/service energy, the company is more likely to be successful.

It isn't guaranteed to be successful, just more likely.

A successful company is made successful by what people do and don't do — the actions they take that are related to the company.

When the energy resonated by a company name is compatible with the energy resonated by the type of product or service it provides, it tends to make company-success actions easier to do. That's why success is more likely.

Conversely, when energies are incompatible, successful actions tend to be harder or take longer to accomplish, and may be abandoned altogether.

Additional explanation and a list of types of products and services are further below. Also a link to an online tool to calculate company name/type of product or service compatibility.

Every type of product and service that companies provide for individuals and organizations relates to a numerology number. The energy of the number resonates with the type of product/service.

For example, the energy of the number 1 resonates with independence, self-sufficiency, exploration, aloneness, and leadership. Types of products and services that resonate with that energy relate to research, leadership, exploration, self-sufficiency, survival skills, unique experience, and entrepreneurship.

Below is a table with a list of types of products and services that relate to the energy represented by each single digit 1 through 9.

To read more about the energy represented by a specific number, tap on the number in the table. It's linked to an article that talks about that number.

NumberCategories or types of products and services
1Research, leadership, exploration, self-sufficiency, survival skills, unique experience, entrepreneur
2Diplomacy, romance, teamwork, divination, marriage consultation, business partnership
3Meeting or party services, artist services, painting, drawing, sculpture, landscaping, architecture, decoration, creative design, music, style, attire, entertainment
4Insurance, construction, software programming, real estate, accounting/bookkeeping, computer use, protection/security, how-to writing, documentation
5Travel, vacation, new experiences, radio, movies/tv, acting, creative writing, photography, conveyance (cars/bicycles/trains/etc.), accommodations, publishing, communication, internet
6Home, food, health, family-related service, appliances, farm, used goods, animals, garden, hospitality
7School, church, science, investigation, property restoration, psychology, library/books, antiques, wisdom, magnificent estates
8Legal, finance, business services, commercial, office, investment
9Community service, relief organization, shipping, long-range planning, fund raising

The online tool alluded to earlier is the Company Name Compatibility Tool.

Type in the company name or names you want to research. Then you select up to three categories or types of products and services.

The calculator provides a compatibility score for each company name tested. The higher the score, the more compatible the company name is for the selected categories.

The free online company name compatibility calculator is a valuable tool when doing research about which company name resonates best with the products or services you have in mind for the company you want to start.

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