Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Don't Tell Me My Future!
Imagine knowing everything that will happen in your life.
You know the good things and the bad things in your future. You know when you'll be happy, when you'll suffer heartbreak, when events will go your way and when they won't. You know how much money you'll make and how much you'll lose on bad investments and when those things will happen. You know who you will marry and when you will die and all your joys and all your sufferings.
You know everything about your future as clearly as you now know your past.
If you have been able to imagine that, now imagine this — you also have no free will.
Only without free will can you know your future with certainty.
However, you do have free will. Using it changes your future. When you change your future, you cannot know your future with certainty — you might decide to change it again as life moves along.
Probably there is no way to know all the details of the future without first living it. But if you could, would you really want to know everything about it? And have no free will with which to change anything?
Knowing everything that is going to happen in your life would make you powerless.
Nothing could be done about the bad things coming up. Nothing could be done about the opportunities you know you will miss. Nothing could be done about making your successes even more spectacular.
Unless you could change things.
If you change something, the future from that point on will also change. The rest of the future you had known everything about no longer applies.
If someone were to know everything about their future, the person would have a choice of either
- letting the good and the bad happen as foreseen without interfering
- OR - - changing something and losing the knowledge about the rest of their future.
Knowing everything about ones future would mean either not having control at all or losing control by attempting to change something. In other words, it can be paralyzing.
However, there is a way to deal with the future that allows some control of the future without losing sight of the future itself.
Using Numerology to Deal with the Future
With numerology, tendencies and likelihoods can be calculated for the type of circumstances and events that will happen in the future – instead of specific details.
Knowing what is likely, the future can be better prepared for.
A person can have an effect on their future, exercising their free will, without losing their perception and knowledge of it.
As an example, suppose a person knows a nine-year cycle is coming up where expression of a personal sense of freedom is likely to feel much more important. During the time preceding that cycle, attention can be put on establishing a firm foundation from which to express that freedom — perhaps a financial foundation or a "home base" foundation (a location where you are always welcome and feel at home).
It is a good feeling to meet the future prepared for it.
Knowing the tendencies and likelihoods of the future gives a person enough information to prepare for it without losing control.