Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Reducing Numerology Numbers

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Multi-digit numbers generally are reduced to a single digit for numerology interpretations. The reduced number is called the foundation number.

Without thinking it through, that statement might give the impression there are only nine meanings for all numbers in existence. But that impression is incorrect.

The numerology energy represented by the foundation number is the base. Upon that foundation rests the individual digit energies of the multi-digit number.

In other words, the energy of the foundation number is not the entire meaning. The energies of the individual digits are commingled with the foundation number energy. The result is the numerology energy represented by the multi-digit number.

Every number represents unique energy that can be interpreted for its unique meaning.

Let's look at it this way.

Houses rest on a foundation.

There are various shapes of foundations: Square, rectangular, round, hexagonal, "L" shaped, "U" shaped, and others.

Let's suppose for this illustration there are nine different shapes of foundations that houses rest upon.

Each foundation shape can support various different styles of houses. Size, color, roof slant, window styles, trim, siding material, roof material, number of bedrooms, and other differences can be utilized when building a house on the foundation.

Although there are only nine different foundations (for this illustration), there can be an almost infinite variety of types of houses on the foundations.

Similarly, there are only nine different single-digit foundation numbers.

Let's take the single-digit number 9 as an example. The numbers 81, 27, and 1971 all have the foundation number 9.

Thus, 81, 27, and 1971 all have the same foundation energy. Yet, the numerology energy those three numbers represent each has a unique resonance — because they are different numbers.

Here are a few articles related to foundation and multi-digit numbers, and interpreting their numerology energies, that you may be interested in:

Even with the same foundation number, different multi-digit numbers represent different numerology energies. The energy of the digits within a multi-digit number are commingled with the energies of the foundation number.

The result is an energy unique.

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