Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Effects of 8 to 9 Personal Year Number Change
When the personal year number 8 changes to the number 9, the person's material orientation tends to become an orientation of humanitarianism and tolerance with a worldwide view. The focus expands from materialistic to include all aspects of life as it relates to human welfare.
The personal year number 8, a year of business and material acquisition, likely included efficiency and balance in the pursuit of goals or running of a business. The energy the number 8 represents is an energy of realism. Projects and goals likely were realistic during the year.
The year perhaps included a desire to build systems or processes for personal benefit and also for others to use.
The personal year number 9 is highly likely to include attention on, and seeking to, promote human welfare. The energy the number 9 represents is an energy of tolerance and compassion.
An idea about what is best for humanity is likely to be formed by the person entering a personal year 9 with philanthropic activity extending from it.
The personal year number energy change begins in October. Some people notice it then. Others notice it later, perhaps as late as mid-November or early-December — or even well into the new year. The energy shift completes during the first half of January.
The energies represented by the numbers 8 and 9 are compatible. The 9 energy is a broadening of the 8 energy to include human welfare.
The energies resonate.
Because the energies are compatible, the personal year 8 to 9 shift might not be noticed until well into the new year. At that point, people living the personal year 9 may realize that their focus has broadened, that their concerns and awareness now include much more than just the material.
The shift is unlikely to bring disorientation.
The personal year energy is transitioning from a year of material focus and the business of building something that will benefit society.
The personal year energy is transitioning to a year of focus on all aspects of humanity and its welfare.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 8 is about material concerns. Business and building systems and procedures to benefit many resonate with the energy.
The energy represented by the number 8 includes efficiency and realistic expectations. There is an urge to build something that endures for a long time. The person with a personal year 8 tends to be confident in their ability to manage people and big business and eagerly assume responsibility for financial prosperity.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 9 is about humanity. There tend to be philanthropic activities, perhaps creatively implemented, to promote a vision of what is best for humanity.
The energy represented by the number 9 includes compassion and tolerance. It is self-sacrificing for progress toward the fulfillment of its vision. The person living in a 9 personal year tends to have a more global perspective.
Whether or not anticipated, the personal year number change from 8 to 9 is unlikely to be surprising. It's generally experienced as an expansion of attention and sense of importances.
Let's look at the numerology chart of one of our Example People.
The year Daiy Fictive reached 29 years old, in 1992, her daughter Sunrise was 10 and her son Neight was 7.
She had her hands full with the kids. There were parks and other activities during the summer. During the winter, getting the kids ready on time for school; and participating in after-school activities.
Daiy enjoyed every moment of it.
During the previous year, which was a personal year 8 for her, much of her attention was teaching her children by story and example so it would be easier for them to meet their material needs when they became adult.
Year 1992, being a personal year 9 for her, Daiy's attention was on humanity as a whole. Her focus expanded to teaching her children about getting along with everybody.
Now that you know what to expect during a numerology personal year 8 to personal year 9 transition, you are more likely to notice the change than you would have been before.