Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Unreliable Use of Numerology

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Numerology is information.

It can be misunderstood or misapplied. But it can not be coerced.

The information is in what numerology reveals with specific mathematical calculations.

Tendencies and likelihoods are revealed.

Tendencies are not certainties, but how things tend to be. Likelihoods are not a view into an unalterable future, but what is likely to happen.

Accepting interpretations of numerology calculations as representing predestination is both unreliable and self-deceptive.

While numerology calculations are exact mathematical operations, the energies thus revealed can not be reliably interpreted as fixed or inevitable.

Generally, what numerology reveals (assuming numerology chart readings) is how things actually are or what will actually happen. Thus, it is easy to be lured into believing numerology interpretations represent destiny.

But the revelations are not destiny. They can be considered to be a destiny tendency or a likely destiny. But not a revelation of predestination.

Assuming numerology interpretations are predestination is an unreliable way to use numerology. The interpretations are apt to be correct, but not guaranteed to be so. Thus, assuming predestination may provide good benefits, but may also bring disappointment.

A reliable way to use numerology is to recognize the energy interpretations as tendencies and likelihoods. Then, the person can be an active participant in creating the reality they prefer.

Free will, when accompanied with action, can and does change a person and alter their future.

Numerology energies are a subtle urge, not an irresistible force. When free will and numerology energies conflict, free will prevails.

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