Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
The True Value of Numerology
The value of numerology is an awareness of tendencies and likelihoods. Heeding them can pay off handsomely and persistently for long periods.
Yes, tendencies and likelihoods. Not irrefutable predictions which, one assumes, nothing can be done about.
Yet, irrefutable predictions are often refuted — people change their minds or unanticipated events interfere — and decisions based on those predictions turn out to be wrong decisions.
However, tendencies and likelihoods can be relied on. Things won't always happen the way that is most likely. But they tend to do so. Things are most likely to happen that way.
An Analogy
Decisions based on known tendencies and likelihoods are right more often than they are wrong.
Here is an analogy.
In the countryside of the northern part of the United States of America, homes are often built on the East-southeast side of a bunch of trees. The reason is that most fierce winter winds come from the West-northwest. The trees do a good job of blocking the icy drafts.
The winter winds don't always come from the West-northwest. But the fact of their tendency to do so can be relied on. Building behind a wind break is a long-term solution that pays off persistently.
Predictions assumed to be irrefutable can be made. But they can't be relied on with certainty like known tendencies and likelihoods can.
An Example and Analogy
Here is an example interspersed with an analogy.
The example is a life path number 5 of a numerology chart.
The energy represented by the number 5 life path number attracts events and circumstances related to changing interests, travel, and meeting new people. The life path energy can be affected in these ways:
- The energy of the destiny number affects how the person deals with events and circumstances.
- The essence transit energies have various effects, from changing what types of events and circumstances that are attracted to the persistence of them when they manifest.
- The energy of the current personal year number affects what type of events and circumstances are attracted, either changing what is attracted or adding additional attractions.
Most numerology chart positions affect most other numerology chart positions — the type and degree of effect generally having to do with the resonance or dissonance of the energies represented by the positions.
With a complete chart and a competent numerologist, tendencies and likelihoods can be determined.
The analogy is of a log floating in a lake.
The lake has currents which affect where the log floats. The currents are affected by (among other things):
- Temperature differences.
- Weather — sun or rain, wind or calm.
- Water flowing into the lake from various sources.
With a good mathematical model of the currents in the lake and efficient forecasting computers, the findings indicate which way the log is most likely to float and where it is likely to end up at.
Extending the Example and Analogy
Let us describe why numerology tendencies and likelihoods are not irrefutable predictions by extending the example and the analogy.
For the example, there are effects on the tendencies and likelihoods revealed within a person's numerology chart:
For most people, free will has the largest effect on the tendencies and likelihoods. (The person who the chart is made for can decide to do things differently than the chart indicates, to approach life in a different way, and/or to assume themself to be a different person.)
Unanticipated fear or pressure resulting from personal interaction with people can have an effect.
Unforeseen world or neighborhood events can have unexpected effects.
The calculated personal numerology chart tendencies and likelihoods are always present. Yet the person may exercise free will or make decisions that are contrary to the calculated results for various lengths of time.
For the analogy, unanticipated events can have an effect on the directions and strengths of the lake currents:
The ambient air temperature may change faster or slower than anticipated, or the change may be larger. Although affecting only the surface of the lake, it does have an effect on the underlying currents.
There may be a storm up in the hills with an unusual amount of rain that can make a surprising change to the temperature and water flow of one or more sources of lake water.
Boats going faster than usual in areas of the lake usually unoccupied, or at unusual times of day, may introduce enough anomaly to throw the calculations off.
The course of the log on the lake is affected by the currents which, in turn, are affected by known and unanticipated events.
The tendencies and likelihoods interpreted for a person's chart are affected by free will and by happenings outside the realm of personal numerology chart calculations.
It may be thought that because the assertions and predictions of calculated numerology results can be affected by free will and outside events, that it would be next to useless.
But that's not the case.
Because irrefutable predictions are for specific events and can't be made with certainty, the real value of numerology is an awareness of tendencies and likelihoods always present.
Understanding what they are and taking them into consideration when making decisions can pay off handsomely and persistently for a long time.
Building on known tendencies and likelihoods can result in much success.