Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Cycle Energy Changes
Numerology readings can reveal certain cycles that are effective during certain periods of a person's life.
Some readings won't mention numerology cycles, such as an ancestral traits reading. Or a destiny reading. Many free readings omit cycles.
Generally paid readings include cycles. And there are special readings related to birth dates in the tool section of this website that address various cycles.
Examples of numerology cycles are life period cycles (three cycles during a lifetime), pinnacle cycles (four cycles during a lifetime), and personal years (a new cycle every year)
Each cycle has a calculated number that represents the energy of that cycle.
A change from one cycle number to the next can be smooth, barely noticed — if noticed at all. On the other hand, a change can be unsettling or even disruptive, and certainly noticed — even if the person doesn't know the reason.
How the transition from one cycle to another is apt to be experienced depends on the compatibility of the energy represented by the cycle numbers.
Cycle energy transitions from an odd number's energy to an even number's energy, or vice versa, have at least some dissonance. From an odd number to an odd number or from an even number to an even number has at least some harmony.
Smaller numbers, like 1, 2, and 3, tend to have more dissonance in relation to each other. Larger numbers, like 7, 8, and 9, tend to have more harmony in relation to each other.
Cycle numbers are single-digit numbers.
Yearly, monthly, and daily cycle energy transitions generally are from an odd to even number or from an even to odd number. That's because the cycle numbers tend to be sequential — 1 through 9 then starting over at 1 again.
The numbers of other cycles are less likely to be sequential.
Whether with harmony or with dissonance, the energy resonance of the next cycle number will be different than the current.
Here are two examples:
Pinnacle cycle transition from 4 to 5 —
The vibration represented by the number 4 entices the person to focus on doing the work needed to create a foundation for a secure future.
During a 5 pinnacle, on the other hand, the person's focus tends to be the expression of a personal sense of freedom in every way it can be expressed.
It is a dramatic shift, a shift from a focus on work and security to an inclination for following whims.
With knowledge of numerology and the glimpses into the future it can provide, plans can be made and action taken to build reserves while in the 4 pinnacle to help support the lifestyle likely to be preferred during the 5 pinnacle.
Personal year cycle transition from 1 to 2 —
A personal year's energy represented by the number 1 tends to attract events and circumstances where self-sufficiency is required. Going it alone is more comfortable.
The energy represented by a 2 personal year, on the other hand, tends to attract events and circumstances where teamwork is required. Doing tasks with others is more comfortable.
This, too, is a dramatic shift, from aloneness to coexistence, and can result in some confusion for those who weren't expecting it — an anxiety or astonishment regarding the seemingly gratuitous shift of personal tendencies.
This personal years article contains interpretations for every number energy transition possible for personal years.
Although some can be bumpy, transitions generally aren't abrupt.
A personal year transition, for example, begins the shift from one cycle to another during October and generally completes the shift about mid-January. During the transition, the previous energy gradually diminishes while the next energy gradually strengthens.
Larger cycles tend to affect a person more than shorter cycles. Personal days, for example, might blend in with each other, only occasionally having a dramatic effect. Pinnacle cycles, on the other hand, can affect a person's view of self and approach to life in significant ways.
Life is cyclic.
The smallest cycle available with traditional Pythagorean numerology calculations is the daily cycle (a new cycle with a new number begins every day). The largest is the power number (the same number during an entire lifetime, but the energy emerges and becomes effective about mid-life).
Every number in numerology represents certain energy. Each cycle has a number indicating the energy it resonates with.
A transition from one cycle to a cycle with a different number is a transition from one resonance to another.
The resonance of the two energies may be compatible or incompatible. The Compatibility of Number Energy article has a table that can be consulted to determine compatibility.
Knowing in advance the types of events and circumstances more likely to be experienced during certain periods of life allows planning and preparing. And tends to reduce the number of surprises.