Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Name Change Guide

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Names represent certain numerology energy.

Therefore, the first thing to do for a name change is to decide what type of energy will be represented by the new name.

It is like determining who and what you want to be. And what you want to attract to your life.

The energy a name represents provides a constant nudge toward the direction of becoming more like the name energy's resonance. It also attracts whatever resonates with it.

After the type of energy is determined, select a name that represents the energy.

Further below is a guide to help you with those steps.

If you did it in reverse, selected a name before deciding the energy, you would be stuck with whatever energy the name happened to represent. It might be suitable energy. Or it might be energy incompatible with who you want to be.

Do it the right way. Select the energy first. Then a name to represent the energy.

Selecting the Energy Before the New Name

Numerology energy that names represent resonate with 9 distinct yet broad subject areas.

You have 3 major name numbers, all being core numbers.

You can choose 2 energy subject areas for your name. If you prefer only 1 of the areas of energy, you have the option of choosing the same number twice.

The reason you may choose only 2 of the 3 major name numbers is because numerology calculations determine what the third number is.

Here is a brief interpretation of the energy represented by each number that may be selected. The interpretations include links to a page with more about that energy.

Energy represented by the number 1

One-word description: Independent.

Self-determined, path-finding, alone, independent, self-sufficient, leading, and self-reliant.

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Energy represented by the number 2

One-word description: Cooperative.

Teamworker, interpersonal relationships, companionable, romantic, cooperative, and diplomatic.

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Energy represented by the number 3

One-word description: Creative.

Social, optimistic, tolerant, inspirational, creative expression, and artistic.

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Energy represented by the number 4

One-word description: Security.

Systematic, security focused, dedicated, persistent, conscientious, pragmatic, and methodical.

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Energy represented by the number 5

One-word description: Freedom.

Expressive of personal freedom, curious, witty, adventurous, broad-minded, dynamic, and versatile.

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Energy represented by the number 6

One-word description: Nurturing.

Idealistic, domestic, nurturing, family-centric, harmonious, and responsible.

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Energy represented by the number 7

One-word description: Introspective.

Knowledgeable, perceptive, introspective, wise, analytic, spiritual, and intuitive.

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Energy represented by the number 8

One-word description: Realistic.

Business-minded, realistic, materialistic, efficient, authoritative, balanced, and enterprising.

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Energy represented by the number 9

One-word description: Humanitarian.

Humanitarian, philanthropic, idealistic, tolerant, compassionate, broadminded, and generous.

(More at new page)

Doing the Energy Selection

Select 1 or 2 of the above energies according to the kind of person you prefer to be and what you prefer to have attracted to you.

When you have selected the numbers that represent your choice of energy, it's time to choose a name.

Make a list of acceptable names. Then enter each name in the name number calculation tool.

When a name is entered into the calculator and the button clicked to get the results, write down the calculated result for the destiny number, the calculated result for the heart's desire number, and the calculated result for the personality number.

When each name has been entered into the calculator, go through the name list to determine which names gave the desired results.

Every name with at least one number (destiny, heart's desire, or personality) that matches a preferred energy number is a possible choice. If the name has both of your preferred energy numbers, it's an even better choice.

Those are the steps for choosing a new name.

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