Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

All Your Other Names

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You have a birth name, your name as first officially recorded at or soon after birth.

And then there are all your other names.

They may be names used with your friends, private for yourself, for convenience, for traditional reasons, or for professional reasons. Here is a list of other names a person might have:

  • Your familiar, informal name that friends and co-workers use to address you.

  • A married name — a name assumed because of marriage, generally in honor of tradition.

  • An official or other name change to have an augmented or different numerology chart.

  • A playful or private name assigned to you by a loved one.

  • An author pen name.

  • A professional name self-determined to better resonate with a profession or career — such as a stage name.

  • A name that you think of yourself as, perhaps privately.

  • Any other assumed name or nickname assumed by choice or assigned by circumstances.

Using a name other than the birth name can have a remarkable effect on a person. Or little effect at all.

Some of the effects may be unexpected.

In the rest of this article, we'll refer to any name different than the birth name as a "new" name.

Every name, whether birth name or new name, represents certain numerology energy. The energy it represents is a composite of the energies represented by the letters of the name and by the results of numerology calculations on the name.

A new name introduces energies not present in the birth name. The new energies may be significant or inconsequential, compatible or conflicting. The new name may enhance the birth name energy or restrict it.

Something to note: The energy represented by the birth name never goes away.

The energy represented by a new name is in addition to the birth name energy.

Aspects of new name energy may enhance some aspects of the birth name energy. Other new name energy aspects may be an addition — energy that previously was unexperienced.

To explain how it works, let's use the analogy of a house.

Let's picture the birth name as being like the foundation of a house.

The first house on that foundation is the birth name house. The house can be changed, but the foundation never changes.

When a new name is assumed, it is like changing the house. Perhaps it is just a new coat of paint. Or perhaps it is dramatically remodeled.

Still, no matter how much the house is changed, the foundation remains the same.

With each remodeling, some of the energies of the previous version remain with the new. The more remodeling the house experiences, the more traces of the old versions endure. With sufficient remodelings, the house itself is likely to lose strength.

So it is with new names.

The energy represented by the birth name never changes. This is the foundation.

New names build on top of the birth name, not replace it.

Although new names can replace how a person sees themself and how others see them, the numerology energy of the birth name is never replaced.

Each new new name carries with it some of the essence of each previous new name. After a while, new names will dilute most of their own energy within the energies of the previous names.

That isn't to say changing ones name is bad. Not at all. There can be good reasons for using new names and, sometimes, to change them. Married names and professional names are two examples.

When a person has a choice, it is prudent to consider well the effect the new name may have before assuming it as a name.

If you have several names in mind for a new name, the best name finder is designed to help you choose.

When you are mostly certain about what the new name is likely to be, use the free numerology reading form twice, once with the birth name and once with the new name being considered. Compare the two, noting where the vibrations support each other and where they are likely to conflict.

After reducing the choices to the new name most likely be assumed, consider getting a full, professional reading for both the birth name and the new name. Changing a name can have long-term, subtle and not so subtle, positive and negative effects. Compare the two professional readings to note the differences and to consider what effect the new name may have on your life.

With careful consideration, the effects of the new name can be predicted and the changes anticipated.

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