
Name Changes

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7 Name Change Considerations

A name change is not a trivial thing to do. There can be lifelong consequences. If you have a choice about whether or not to change your name, look further down this article for a list of 7 things to think about before proceeding.

A Birth Date Compatible Baby Name

To determine a baby's name compatibility with the baby's birth date, the name numbers are compared with the birth date number.

A Suitable Company Name

Company names represent certain numerology energy — as do the names of everything, including people.

Characteristics to Consider for Name Change

Changing ones name is not a trivial thing. It's likely to affect you for the rest of your life. Do it right.

Choosing a Professional Name

An appropriate professional name can be tremendously important for certain professions. Actor names are an example. And professional singers. Pen names for authors are another example.

Film/Stage Actor Name

Numerology can help to choose an effective name for an actor. The name can be tremendously important.

Find Your Best Name According to Numerology

When a person considers changing their name, they face a conundrum. Here is how to choose the best name.

Misconceptions About Name Changes

In my experience, one of the most misunderstood aspects of traditional numerology is what effects can be expected when someone changes their name.

Name Change Effects

The effects of a personal name change is not instant. The birth name can have an effect on the potential of a new name.

Numerology and Name Changes

Things to consider before a name change. (Because name changes for a better numerology profile aren't always successful.)

Pen Name Information

Writers are in a unique position. The names on their works are often made up. They are pen names.

Professional Name for a Singer

Numerology can help a singer choose an effective name for their profession. The name can be tremendously important.

Reasons to Change Your Name

If you are contemplating a voluntary name change using numerology, the first question to ask is, Why? There are good reasons.

The Best Name for My Baby

Parents want the best for their child.

What to Do After Your Name Change

You have decided on a new name for yourself. Now what?

Why Do You Want To Change Your Name?

If you are contemplating a voluntary name change using numerology, the first question to ask is, "Why?"

Why it Is Hard to Suggest a Name for You

Asking a numerologist to suggest a name can seem the easiest way to proceed. It actually may be the easiest — for you. But for the numerologist, probably not.

Why Only Some Name Changes Are Successful

The energy represented by a new name may have a profound effect for a person. Or not.

Why Your Name Always Fits You 100 Percent

I receive many questions from individuals asking if their name fits them from a numerological perspective. It always does.

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