Affinity Numerology : Name Changes
Find Your Best Name According to Numerology
When a person considers changing their name, they face a conundrum.
Some people know exactly the name they want. But others, probably including you because you're reading this, want the best name but don't know what that name might be.
You may have some names in mind that you like and are suitable. (And that is very important, by the way. Because the name you end up choosing will identify you for the rest of your life, it really should be a name you like. If it's a professional name, it is important that it be suitable, too.)
What you need to find the best name, first of all, is a list of names to choose from.
Make it a list of names that are suitable and that you like. List every name that you really like and that are suitable. If a name feels like it might be extravagant or like it might be pithy, list it anyway if you like it and it's suitable. No hold-backs here. This is the list a choice will be made from.
The names on the list need to be the full, complete names — first, middle, last or whatever you want the complete name to be.
How to Choose the Best Name
Now that you have a list of suitable names that you like, it's time to determine what numerology name number energy resonates best with the person you are or want to be.
The energy a name number represents is an indication of who and what you are or tend to be, your outlook on life, your personal characteristics, the personhood of you.
Select the name number carefully. It is likely to have a profound effect on the constitution of you, your perception of yourself, and others' perception of you.
(The change isn't instant, but gradual. The more you identify yourself as the newly chosen name, the more effect the name energies have. Therefore, depending on how quickly you wholly embrace the newly chosen name as your true identity, it may be weeks, months, or even years before you experience the full effect of the name's energies.)
To read more about name numbers, see these articles.
To find the name number you most prefer, consult the succinct, one-paragraph interpretations. Optionally, select a second number.
At this point, calculations are required to see which names on your list match the name number or numbers you decided on. But there is a better way — easier, faster, and without manual calculation mistakes.
Use the free, online Best Name Finder to do the calculations automatically.
How to Use the Best Name Finder
Go to the Best Name Finder page and scroll down to the tool. Then:
Specify the name number or numbers you prefer.
Type or paste in your list of full, complete names. Put each name on a line by itself. Optionally, there may be blank lines between names.
Click the button.
The finder will tell you which is the best according to numerology — assuming there are any matches at all.
When more than one name with your number criteria is found to be best, you'll have a choice for your new name.
Now, it is easier than ever to select the best name for yourself — a list of suitable names, your preferred name number, and the Best Name Finder.