Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

Characteristics to Consider for Name Change

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Changing ones name is not a trivial thing. It's likely to affect you for the rest of your life. Do it right.

It is prudent to consult with a professional numerologist.

If that is unfeasible, this article provides information for the most important numbers to consider.

There are three major name numbers in a numerology chart. Name numbers are calculated using the values of letters in the name.

Generally, the order of importance of the major numbers is:

  1. The destiny number, calculated from all letters of the name.

  2. The personality number, calculated from the consonants of the name.

  3. The heart's desire number, calculated from the vowels of the name.

Only two of the major name numbers can be stipulated when determining the spelling of a new name. Any two.

The third major name number is calculated using the other two and, thus, depends on what has been stipulated for the other two.

This article is interactive.

This article lets you choose the two most important aspects for your new name. It then gives you the three major name numbers according to what you choose.

It's done in three steps.

  1. Choose the most important aspect.
  2. Choose the next most important aspect.
  3. Obtain the numbers.

Here are the steps.

Step 1:

Tap the most important aspect you want for your new name. This determines the destiny number.

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Step 2:

Tap the second most important aspect you want for your new name. This determines the personality number. (A duplicate of the most important aspect is acceptable.)

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Step 3:

After a choice at each of above two steps has been made, the three major name numbers will appear here.

The number for your most important aspect, your destiny number.
The number for your other important aspect, your personality number.
The number for the last of the major name numbers, your heart's desire number.

Copy the numbers so you have them at hand.

You can now select a name with the above numbers.

Remember that the numbers presented in Step 3 are in order of importance.

The first, the destiny number can be considered essential. The second, the personality number is less essential.

If either the first or second numbers change, the third number, the heart's desire number, will also change.

To select a name, make a list of acceptable names and get their numbers. The free online How to Calculate Numerology Name Numbers tool can be used.

See the numerology name changes index for links to articles with information pertinent to name changes. Their information may help you make the right choice.

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