Affinity Numerology : Name Changes
Choosing a Professional Name
In some countries, a professional name can be assumed without changing one's birth or married name. Which some people may prefer.
On the other hand, if there is little dissonance between the birth name and the chosen professional name, then permanently changing the personal name to the professional one may be prudent. (Different countries have different requirements or expectations related to changing ones name.)
An appropriate professional name can be tremendously important for certain professions. Actor names are an example. And professional singers. Pen names for authors are another example.
For some other professions, an appropriate professional name may be of real benefit, too.
Some names, whether personal or assumed for their profession, are more likely to support the person's successful performance of the duties associated with their career.
- For actors and singers, when the name is easily pronounced and remembered.
- For authors, when the name can be read and instantly recognized.
- For other professions, when it is a memorable name and also appropriate for the specific profession and the society where the career is pursued.
Further below are links intended to help you decide on a professional name for your chosen career.
Here are links to name-related information for various professions.
See Professional Name for a Singer if you're looking for a name as a singer.
Or, see Film/Stage Actor Name if you're looking for a name as an actor.
For authors, see Pen Name Information when researching professional pen names.
The Find Your Best Name According to Numerology article may be consulted for help determining a name for another profession. The article is for personal names, yet can be used as a guide.
Each of the above articles has a link to a tool designed to help you calculate a suitable name.
While numerology can play a role in determining the right professional name, there are other things to assess. Is the professional name of your choice appropriate, memorable, and attractive to your audience (as opposed to uninviting or repulsive)?
Before finalizing your choice, verify the name passes a numerology examination.
The numerology examination is getting a reading for the name and determining whether or not the interpretations are consistent with the desired impact.
Use the professional name being considered and your birth date for the reading.
A free reading can be obtained at this free numerology reading page.
If the free reading at the above link is used, the name items are
- Your Destiny
- Your Heart's Desire
- Your Personality
- Your Quiescent Self
and the birth date items are
- Your Life Path
- Your Birth Day
Recognize the essence of the name item characteristics and determine if they are what you want.
The birth date items can't be changed. But they can be consulted to determine how well they do or do not resonate with your name choice.
One Final Numerology Thought
Before registering or using a professional name, consider doing one more thing — getting a comprehensive numerology reading of your chosen professional name and with your birth date. The object is to remove any question in your mind about whether or not the chosen name is indeed the best one for you. (Free readings generally are not comprehensive.)
If you don't have a local professional numerologist available to provide a numerology reading for you, click here to get one from our numerology business associate.
Understand the full, complete reading so you understand the numerological vibrations the professional name is likely to bring into your life. Be prepared to select a different professional name, if necessary, before registering or using an unacceptable one.