Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

Misconceptions About Name Changes

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In my experience, one of the most misunderstood aspects of traditional numerology is what effects can be expected when someone changes their name.

Some Misconceptions

Here are a few of the misconceptions I've encountered about what name changes will or will not accomplish, and a short response to each:

  • A name change changes my life. (A name change won't change your life all by itself. Your life is what you make it, not what your name makes it.)

  • A name change changes nothing. (Actually, a name change is a new name and every name represents certain energy. It does have an effect even though it won't change anything all by itself.)

  • A new name brings me luck. (Luck isn't brought. It exists within a person. A name change generally does change aspects of the luck within a person, but doesn't bring or reject luck.)

  • A new name gets rid of my problems. (Problems don't get left behind by changing a name. Instead, they come along and commingle with any problems created from the misconception that the new name would get rid of previous problems.)

Let's look at each of those points in more depth, and also investigate additional misconceptions.

Misconception: A name change changes my life.

This is hope and actuality commingled. How the person approaches a name change to change their life reveals the amount of hope commingled with actuality.

A name change does change the energy associated with a person's name. But a name by itself won't change a person's life.

When a person changes their name out of desperation rather than from a perspective of having positive control of their life, the hope and desperation are likely to occlude good choices and the person is more likely to end up with a devastating name.

Misconception: A name change changes nothing.

Names represent certain numerology energies. The energy represented by the name first officially assigned at birth never goes away.

When a person changes their name, the energies represented by the new name commingle with the energies represented by the birth name.

Probably the reason for this misconception is because the effects of the new name come gradually and aren't immediately evident. The person who changed their name may feel that things have changed, but friends of the person may be unable to immediately see any evidence of such.

Misconception: A new name brings me luck.

Numerology luck isn't brought in from outside. It's inside, an internal resonance represented by the person's numerology chart.

The resonance of the energies represented by the numbers calculated for a person's numerology chart are what numerology luck is composed of. (There are other kinds of luck. Numerology luck is what traditional numerology can calculate and determine.)

When a name changes, the composition of the internal luck also changes.

Misconception: A new name gets rid of my problems.

Life problems generally come from a person's actions or inactions. The energy represented by the numbers in the chart can have an effect in the form of tendencies, but they don't otherwise make things happen. Numerology is mostly energy that is manifested as tendencies or that makes certain broad types of events and circumstances more likely.

Personal actions and inactions generally stem from free will. Where numerology and free will conflict, free will prevails.

Thus, a name won't get rid of problems acquired before the name change. Instead, problems acquired after the name change, or created as a result of the new name, are simply added to the already existing pile.

Two More Misconceptions

Here are a few more misconceptions I've encountered about name changes. Again, with a short response to each:

  • A name change is instantly effective. (The effects of a name change gradually become more influential, the rate depending on several things.)

  • The right name brings fame and wealth. (No, it doesn't. A name represents energy. The energy doesn't cause people to see you as famous and it doesn't make you wealthy.

Misconception: A name change is instantly effective.

The effects of a name change are gradual. The influence of the energy represented by a new name depends largely on this one thing: how much the person identifies themself as the new name compared to how much they identify themself as the birth name.

The more the person understands themself as the new name, the more influence the new name has and the less influence the birth name has.

Yet, no matter how much a person identifies themself as the new name, the energies of the birth name are still present. They may lose much of their influence over time, but they never go away.

Misconception: The right name brings fame and wealth.

This may be more a hope or wish, or an insistence, than a real misconception.

Knowing of two people with the same name, one famous or wealthy and the other with neither, makes it self evident that it isn't the name that brought the person fame or wealth.

Fame depends on other people and your actions as you present yourself to them. Wealth depends on what you do and don't do, which may include other people. The energy a name represents is a subtle nudge of tendencies and likelihoods. It doesn't by itself bring fame or wealth or any combination of those two.

True Name Change Effects

There are other misconceptions about name changes that people have. Instead of listing more, let's do this: Read about the actual effects a name change can have.

When you understand what effects a name change can have, it will be easier to spot misconceptions.

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