Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
Lucky Numbers
Numerology can reveal lucky numbers. These are numerology lucky numbers.
Other kinds of lucky numbers are addressed further below.
Numbers aren't intrinsically lucky or unlucky.
Whether in numerology, physics, inventories, math, or anywhere else they exist, numbers are just numbers.
But numbers do represent things.
In numerology, numbers represent certain energies. Whether or not a certain number is lucky and the aspect of a person's life where it is lucky depends on the number's position in the person's numerology chart.
It is interpretation of those energies that allows a numerologist to determine how lucky a number is or is not.
What Makes Certain Numbers Lucky
When a number is calculated for a specific position in a person's numerology chart, it makes that number lucky — for that person and for the chart position it was calculated for.
As an example, the number 8 may be lucky in relation to the destiny position of one person's chart and not be lucky at all for someone else.
The luckiness of numerology numbers doesn't depend on belief or assumptions. They are mathematically calculated. They are real.
The lucky aspects of the numbers bring tendencies and likelihoods for certain types of events and circumstances to occur.
It won't always occur. And, if they're being blocked, they might never occur.
But the tendencies and likelihoods are there — always resonating with the frequency that attracts the types of events and circumstances the energy represents, in a way that's related to the number's numerology chart position.
A Numerology Lucky Number Example
In this example, a person's destiny number is the number 8. Thus, the number 8 is lucky for that person in relation to the destiny position of their numerology chart.
The destiny number is 8 and the lucky number is 8.
When something resonates with the same frequency as something else does, the two resonances tend to attract each other. Like magnets.
The attraction is in the form of tendencies and likelihoods.
Now, back to the example.
The numerology energy the number 8 represents relates to, among other things, business, efficiency, and material accumulation. Therefore, the destiny lucky number 8 energy attracts, among other things, business and financial opportunities.
The destiny lucky number energy attracts the very same energy that relates to the destiny chart position for that person. The number is lucky because it attracts those types of events and circumstances to the person and their life.
Let us now talk about other types of lucky numbers.
Personal Lucky Numbers
Certain numbers are believed by individuals to be lucky.
It's personal. A number that one person believes is lucky might not be believed that way by another person.
The luck generally is associated with numbers related to events or circumstances that contained sufficient reason for the individual to form the belief. Fortunate occurrences are likely to be associated with personal belief lucky numbers.
Personal beliefs related to which numbers are lucky and which are unlucky may be influenced by the culture and social structure within which the person exists.
Society Lucky Numbers
Certain numbers are believed to be lucky by those living in certain geographical regions or belonging to certain groups. Some society lucky numbers are considered lucky in some parts of the world and the same numbers considered unlucky in other societies, other groups.
When a societal belief lucky number is associated with favorable events or circumstances, it generally is assumed to prove the number's luckiness. On the other hand, when the lucky number is associated with unfortunate events or circumstances, it's generally assumed something prevented the luck from asserting its effect.
Chance Lucky Numbers
Winning numbers in lotteries and other games of chance are considered to be lucky numbers. That is in spite of the observable fact that playing the same lucky number repeatedly in a game of chance rarely results in consecutive winnings.
How They Relate, and Don't
The above are the broad types of lucky numbers. Each is viewed differently.
Numerology lucky numbers are a window into what is now and is likely to become. It doesn't relate to belief or chance, and not to irrefutable proof, just tendencies and likelihoods.
Personal and society lucky numbers are based on belief. In that way, they relate to each other. A personal lucky number may be influenced by a society belief related to the number's luckiness. The lucky number may be assumed to also be a chance lucky number, an assumption that may or may not be factual.
Chance lucky numbers generally are associated with an increase in fortune enabled by chance. They may be accompanied by belief, but continue to maintain their status of chance.
Lucky numbers are good to be aware of. But not to be relied on.
Numerology lucky numbers don't depend on belief, assumptions, or chance in order to be lucky. But even they only indicate tendencies and likelihoods, not predetermination.