Affinity Numerology : Name Changes
Why it Is Hard to Suggest a Name for You
Asking a numerologist to suggest a name can seem the easiest way to proceed.
It actually may be the easiest — for you. But for the numerologist, probably not.
There are tens of thousands of names to choose from.
Which one is right for you?
The possibilities are near infinite.
The numerologist may find names on lists from government or private sources — names that people have or have had. Further, any spelling can be called a name.
To be right for you, however, your new name must be one you feel comfortable with and are willing to be known as — in addition to being numerologically correct.
It Requires Effort
The numerologist is not you. The numerologist does not know your innate desires and repulsions as intimately as you know them for yourself.
You know best which names you would like and which you would not like.
There are two ways a person can determine the best new name with a numerologist (or with an online tool or calculator).
The numerologist may make a list of names that are numerologically correct. You then choose the one you prefer.
You may provide a list of names you like and are acceptable to the numerologist. The numerologist determines which is the best for the numerology energy you prefer.
Whichever method you choose, or that the numerologist prefers, you can end up with a perfect name.
When using the above-linked online tool, the Best Name Finder, you first provide a list of names. The tool selects the best one or, if more than one is numerologically the best, it provides a list for you to choose from.
But it takes work.
Whether consulting with a numerologist or using an online tool, it requires effort to find the best name.
The Easiest Is Not the Best
It is actually very easy to collate letters that calculate to the numerology number or numbers you desire. Any combination of letters can be called a name.
Here is an example. Provide the number you want and tap the button. The result will be a set of letters, computer collated, that add up to that number.
Single-digit number:
As you see, a machine can suggest a collated name that calculates to a certain numerology number.
For most people, however, automated collation is unacceptable.
Just Changing a Letter of the Current Name
Perhaps you just want the numerologist to change a letter of your current name, or add a letter to it, so the numerology energy your new name represents is more to your preference.
That can be done, of course.
But here's the catch:
For the energies of a new name to become strong enough to have an influence on a person, the person must first think of themself as the new name — for months, perhaps for years. The catch is this: When the new spelling is similar to the old, it is easy to continue seeing oneself as the previous name and never benefit from the new spelling.
The Best Name Finder
A software-generated name, one collated with a random collection of letters that calculate to a specific numerology number, may be acceptable for some people.
And some people may be able to see themselves as a completely different person with an entirely new name when only a letter of their old name is changed or a letter added.
For the rest of us, it is important to have a list of names and see which calculate to the desired numerology numbers.
The Best Name Finder is free online software that can help with that. You'll need to know the numerology number or numbers you prefer. The Best Name Finder has links to information to help you get started.