Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

What to Do After Your Name Change

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You've decided to go ahead with it.

The name change misconceptions article has been read.

The name change guide has been used.

Perhaps you even used the best name finder tool.

And you have decided on a new name for yourself.

Now what?

First, and the most important: Identify yourself as that name and not as the previous name. In all actions and thoughts, be the person with that name. The more you identify yourself as the new name, the more it's numerological influence can be effective.

Identifying yourself as the name you decided is you requires more than just saying, "OK, now I am [your new name]". Much more.

Whenever you introduce yourself to someone, whenever someone asks your name, whenever you think of your name, your new name is the first name that pops into your mind. Yes, that new name, that is who you are! That is completely identifying yourself as that name.

Without identifying yourself as the name you decided was you, the energy the name represents is unable to exert much influence for you.

Here are some ways to assist yourself in identifying yourself as the new name.

Let others know what your new name is. Insist they use it. Whenever someone addresses you with your past name, respond the same way you would if they used a name that you never had. Correct them, let them know what your name is.

The reason is that the more others identify you as being the person with that name, the easier it is for you to identify yourself that way.

Signatures, titles on property, identification cards — the more things that identify you as the new name, the more effective the name is.

A name change notice in newspapers, blogs, and other publications may help, too.

If your government allows it, it could help to do the action required to officially record the new name in government records.

Writing "I am [what your name is]" a hundred times a day for a few weeks might help your subconscious identify as the new name.

The new name vibrations will become effective gradually.

The vibrations of the previous name will never disappear, particularly if the previous name was your birth name, but the new name vibrations can become so strong that the previous name's vibrations have less effect.

The transition may be relatively fast or it may take years. It's a transition, not something that will happen all at once.

How fast the new vibrations become stronger depends in large part on how well you identify yourself as the new name.

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