Affinity Numerology : Name Changes
A Birth Date Compatible Baby Name
(If you are looking for information to help you change your name, see Facts About Name and Birth Date Compatibility.)
To determine a baby's name compatibility with the baby's birth date, the name numbers are compared with the birth date number. When the birth date number is compatible with at least one of the name numbers, the name has compatibility with the birth date.
Before making a final decision for your baby's name, see Incompatible Name Number Benefits. A certain incompatibility between name and birth date may be advantageous.
If you are interested and wish to become familiar with the various numbers calculated from the birth date and name, here are links to information.
The birth date number is the life path number.
There are three major name numbers. The main name number is the destiny number. The other two name numbers that are considered when determining compatibility are the heart's desire number and the personality number.
Those are the numbers that baby birth date and name compatibility are determined with.
The baby name and birth date compatibility calculator is used to do the calculations and provide you with a compatibility quotient.
Determining Compatibility
To determine compatibility, you'll need your baby's birth date and the possible name or a list of possible names for your baby.
When determining compatibility with the baby's birth date, use the full name, including the "last" or family name, for each possible name on your list.
When you have the name or list of names ready, compatibility with the birth date is determined for each of the possible names. The best name can then be selected. If two or more names share the top compatibility level, then you may choose the top-compatibility name you prefer.
Birth Date Compatible Baby Name Calculator is used to do the calculations.
The calculator responds with a compatibility level for each of the names. The compatibility levels are:
Highly compatible — The birth date and name are highly compatible. This is the top compatibility level.
Somewhat compatible — The birth date and name are compatible.
Indeterminate compatibility — The birth date and name are neither compatible nor incompatible, but neutral.
Somewhat incompatible — The birth date and name are incompatible.
Highly incompatible — The birth date and name are highly incompatible. This is the level of the most incompatibility.
Let's see what the calculator responds with for a baby born 5 September 2018 and this list of names:
Stephanie Wunderbar
Jane Loyal Wunderbar
Helen Joy Wunderbar
Francine Jo Wunderbar
Here is the result.
Name | Compatibility |
Stephanie Wunderbar | Somewhat compatible |
Jane Loyal Wunderbar | Indeterminate compatibility |
Helen Joy Wunderbar | Somewhat incompatible |
Francine Jo Wunderbar | Highly compatible |
Some names may have the same compatibility as other names. But in this case, each of the four names calculated to a different compatibility.
The Francine Jo Wunderbar name has the highest compatibility that the calculator will recognize, "Highly compatible".
Probably the parents would choose that name for their baby — unless they decide to use the calculator for additional names, to see if they might also be noted as "Highly compatible".
When two or more names have the compatibility you're looking for, either of the names may be chosen.
To select a name compatible with your baby's birth date, make a list of acceptable names and use the calculator to see which names have the compatibility you are looking for.
If any of the names you test in the calculator don't have the compatibility you are looking for, or for any other reason, additional possible baby names can be put on your list and the calculator used to determine compatibility.
When you're done, you have a list of possible names for your baby, each name with a note about how compatible it is or is not with the baby's birth date.