Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

Why Your Name Always Fits You 100 Percent

Numerology name always fits article image of sky and tree tops
People's names always fit according to their numerology chart.

I receive many questions from individuals asking if their name fits them from a numerological perspective.

It always does.

I'll explain why further below.

I'm asked the question, sometimes, because the person's focus is on improving one or more areas of their life. Often, however, the question is asked because the person is looking for a solution to life issues or overwhelming problems.

Regardless of the reason, when the person provides no more than their name and perhaps also their birth date, the only answer I can provide is one that means, "Yes, your name fits."

And here's why.

The reason the only answer can be "your name fits" is because all I know about the person is the information I use to calculate their numerology chart — their name and their birth date.

No matter what the chart turns out to be, the name fits 100%. Always.


Because there's no "psychic" in numerology.

I don't know their goals, so I can't make any recommendations for that. I don't know what they like and dislike, their preferences for career or for romantic partners, the main thing they want to accomplish in life, what they would like to be different — none of those things.

All numerological results are based on calculations of the letters of the name and the numbers of the birth date.

Extrapolations are made to reveal what's likely in the future, how they currently tend to view life, and many other aspects that may seem like psychic observations. But they're all just calculations and interpretations of the results.

Thus, no matter what the calculations end up being, the chart will always say the person's name fits them 100% — because that's what the calculations are based on.

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