Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

7 Name Change Considerations

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Are you thinking about changing your name?

It is not a trivial thing to do. There can be lifelong consequences. If you have a choice about whether or not to change your name, look further into this article for a list of 7 things to think about before proceeding.

Here are a few reasons people change their name:

  • It may be tradition to assume the family name of their spouse when someone gets married.

  • A name might be changed to make it more acceptable in society, especially if the person immigrated from a different country.

  • A professional career may be easier to pursue with a different name.

Of course, there are many reasons. Here is another.

  • Because there is something about their birth name that displeases the person.

This article addresses only one reason:

  • To change the personal numerology chart profile.

The 7 name change considerations listed further below relate to virtually all reasons for changing a name, but are written specifically for you if you are considering a name change for a better personal numerology chart profile.

Seven Considerations About a Name Change for a Different Numerology Reading

Here are 7 things to consider before changing your name for a different numerology chart profile.

  1. You have free will that is more powerful than your name. The numerology energy your name represents is a subtle energy. Free will is direct and persistent.

  2. The energy represented by the birth name is always present. A name change does not removed it, but may enhance aspects of the birth name or introduce new aspects.

  3. Name energy resonates with certain personal tendencies and inclinations. It does not force things. A name change might or might not be sufficient influence to help a person initiate a life change. If yes, the influence may be subtle or dramatic, for better or for worse.

  4. Names changed to (i) enhance the birth name energy that already exists and/or (ii) add compatible aspects are most likely to have the intended effect.

  5. Names changed to get rid of personal life problems are likely to fail by leaving the problems intact or even have unwanted repercussions (such as accumulating even more problems).

  6. A new name's influence is limited by how much the person identifies themself with it and are identified by it. The more they identify themself as the new name, the more influence the new name has.

  7. It is not the name change by itself that makes a better life. A better life is by actions, what you do and don't do. The energy of the name can help or hinder with its subtle but persistent influence, but it is actions and inactions that make the difference in life.

Name changes can have a long-lasting effect because the energy of a name has a persisten vibration.

Although subtle, name change energy can have an accumulating effect on a person's decisions and their actions.

For information about name changes and how to do your own, see the Doing Your Own Name Change with Numerology article.

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