Affinity Numerology : Example People Stories
Dusky and His Life Path
Dusky John Alvin Fictive is one of the example people whose numerology chart is used for illustrations, examples, and stories in articles at this website.
This story is about his life path.
The life path number of a person's numerology chart represents energy that attracts certain types of events and circumstances, frequently or persistently, as they live their life.
Although it is the same life path energy for his entire life, Dusky approaches his life differently at different ages, the result of gained experience and maturity.
The energy represented by personal year numbers have an influence on how Dusky approaches his life, as you'll read further below. Every year, a different energy.
Dusky's life path energy is represented by the master number 22.
A master number provides extra energy of a certain type that a person may take advantage of. It's a potential, not an imperative.
When the master number energy is not resonated with, life path master number 22 is experienced as a life path number 4. This was the case when Dusky was very young. The number 4 also matches his heart's desire number.
As a Child
As a young child, Dusky's environment tended to manifest events and circumstances that guided his interests toward things that encouraged paying attention to detail and making things work (major aspects of the energy represented by the number 4).
Toys he was given often included sets of pieces intended to be used for building things.
His circumstances provided ample playtime outside where he used nature, like sticks and mud and rocks, to build sets and scenes such as water dams and huts with people.
His interests included fixing things that were broken. Also taking things apart and putting them back together to see how they worked.
He was often given tools, like wrenches and hammers and string, which he enjoyed learning to use.
His father owns a hardware store, which Dusky will manage after college. Young Dusky spent a lot of time at that store, roaming the shelves and figuring out which piece or part did what and where it fit.
The events and circumstances tended to match what he innately desired, as shown by this heart's desire number being the number 4 and his life path number being the number 22 but experienced as a number 4 energy.
As a Teenager
Dusky met his future wife, Daiy, in his mid-teens. There was an instant attraction.
Their attraction ended up being lifelong. They ended up marrying when both were in their late teens.
The energy represented by Dusky's life path number resonated like a magnet with Daiy's destiny number, the number 8.
His life path energy brought events and circumstances related to building a firm and secure foundation for the future, things he had a natural attraction for because of his heart's desire number. Her destiny energy resonated with business and material acquisition. The two fit together like pieces of a picture puzzle.
As an Adult
Dusky's challenges relate to looking inward for answers and thinking things through, the result of the number 7 energy. The events and circumstances of his life tend to reward extroversion.
As an adult, Dusky is focused primarily on creating an ever-more secure future for his family and for himself.
But there were, and will be, changes.
Changing energy has an effect — as a change. When there is a significant change, it tends to be noticed, regardless what the change is.
These two personal year numbers have the most dissonance to Dusky's life path number.
Dusky's Personal Year Number 3 —
The personal year number 3 happens every nine years. The energy of the personal year number 3 resonates with creative personal expression. It brings a large effect to Dusky's life path.
Now, a successful hardware store needs to stock a myriad of pieces and parts — each in its own place on their own shelf so it can easily be found. There is no room for creativity in that arrangement.
Every year that Dusky's personal year number is the number 3, he has to sternly remind himself not to change something in the store's arrangement whenever he has a creative idea for it. There have been a few times when he had to change things back after he flowed with the creative energy and rearranged the store.
His personal life, however, is enhanced with the energy of the personal year number 3. His life becomes highly creative. Examples are more creative birthday and anniversary surprises, more enjoyment of art and craft shows, and enhanced appreciation of well-crafted sentences to express an idea.
Dusky's Personal Year Number 5 —
The personal year number 5 also happens every nine years. The energy of the personal year number 5 resonates with expression of a personal sense of freedom. It, too, brings a large effect to Dusky's life path.
As he manages the hardware store, the energy of the personal year 5 tends to distract him from his responsibilities.
He may add new products on a whim, or even change the business focus. There is less concern about the foundations of the business and more curiosity. There is a higher tendency to try new things.
In his personal life, Dusky tends to, for examples, try new foods, vacation in a different place, frequently change his wardrobe, read books of a different genre than he generally is attracted to, and thrill his wife with spontaneous outings or other fun activity.
His Later Life
In his later life, Dusky will still be focused primarily on creating an ever-more secure future for his family and for himself. The life path energy that is a part of who he is will be with him for his entire life.
Both the personal year number 3 and the personal year number 5 will continue to occur every nine years, two years apart — for the rest of Dusky's life. They will have similar influence during the entire year of every occurrence.