Affinity Numerology : Example People Stories
A Story About Daiy and Her Destiny
Daiy Jane Fictive is one of the example people whose numerology chart is used for illustrations, examples, and stories in articles at this website.
This story is about her destiny.
The destiny number of a person's numerology chart applies to their entire life. It is the same energy at birth as it is at transition. Although the same energy, the energy represented by a person's destiny number has different effects at different ages.
Daiy's destiny number is the number 8.
The energy represented by the destiny number is an ever-present influence on who Daiy becomes — her evolvement of distinctive characteristics and who she understands herself to be.
With a destiny number 8, a person is likely to be focused on material acquisition, the efficient accomplishment of goals, building things society finds useful, and effectively managing people.
But that's not going to work for a child.
As a Child
Babies and children don't fully manifest the energy of their destiny number. Instead, it's something they grow into.
Daiy's destiny number 8 energy is rather materialistic for a child who has yet to come to an understanding of their relationship with the physical universe.
With the destiny number 8, childhood could have been a struggle for Daiy. She experienced the uncertainty of feeling materialistic energy course through her existence before having a conscious understanding of what the physical universe is and her relation with it.
But the discomfort brought by the destiny 8 energy was soothed somewhat by her life path energy, represented by the number 6. The 6 energy resonates with home and family, which attracted events and circumstances to her young life that related to comfort and belonging.
Her first life period cycle was also the number 6, which helped alleviate the otherwise potential destiny energy confusion even more during her childhood years.
She was in her early teens before Daiy developed a sustained focus on personal finances and methods to accumulate physical possessions.
As a Teenager
Daiy met her future husband during the middle of her teenage years, on July 22, 1977. She was just over 14 years old. He was about 15½. It was an instant and sustained attraction.
The resonance of her destiny 8 energy encouraged the attraction when she found out he was, even as a teen, working for his father at their successful hardware store.
He was working, bringing in money. His father owned the hardware store. Their family was well off. Those ideas, which all resonate with destiny number 8 energy, contributed to enhancing her attraction to that boy.
That is the nature of destiny energy — decisions, likes and dislikes, a sense of future self, and goals all tend to be influenced by its resonance.
As a Mother
By the time she was 25, Daiy had two children, a girl and a boy. Her husband had finished college and was working full time at the hardware store, managing more and more of its operations as he accumulated experience.
The hardware store did well under her husband's management. Daiy assumed responsibility for managing the household and making family decisions, something her destiny 8 energy resonated well with. The children experienced no material lacks.
It was an idyllic destiny 8 energy life.
Then, when she was 30, her pinnacle cycle number changed.
It had been the number 5. It became the number 9.
The energy represented by the number 5 leans toward expression of personal freedom. The 9 energy leans toward humanitarianism. They are compatible in the sense that they don't intrude on each other's resonance. But they are quite different.
As her pinnacle cycle changed, her focus changed. The state of the world now became more of a concern and her personal whims less so.
The children were growing older, too, now ages 11 and 8, and the new pinnacle cycle energy resonated with her concern for their future.
In resonance with the pinnacle 9 energy, Daiy volunteered at several organizations whose goals were to benefit humanity. And she was good at it. With her destiny 8, she had innate organizational talent. She soon got offers to accept managerial positions, one of which she accepted.
The hardware store continued doing well. And the children continued growing up.
They kept on growing up, had their individual romances, and got married. These are stories by themselves and can be told at another time.
Later Years
As their children were married and living their own lives, Daiy cherished her husband's company more than she ever had.
There was nothing at home for Daiy to manage, an inclination influenced by her destiny 8 energy, so she continued her volunteer work as a manager for a humanitarian organization.
When Daiy reached 48 years old, her fourth and last pinnacle cycle number changed to the number 7. And when she reached 58 years old, her third and last life period cycle became the number 1.
The energy represented by both of those numbers resonate well with destiny number 8 energy.
With the number 7 energy influence, the decisions she made as a manager of the humanitarian organization were more thought through for effects and consequences. With the number 1 energy, the decisions tended to take the organization into new directions and become even more efficient.
Her husband eventually retired, leaving the hardware store management to their daughter. It was then that Daiy resigned from her volunteer post at the humanitarian organization.
They had many good years, often traveling, spending time with the grandchildren, and joining groups of people of their own age and interests.
All in all, a productive life.