Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
Making Sense of Numerology Lucky Numbers
Let's try to remove some of the confusion associated with numerology lucky numbers.
First, we'll talk about what they are. Then, about what they are not. Last, we'll talk some more about what they are and how they can be useful.
What Numerology Lucky Numbers Are
When numerology lucky numbers have their way, their full effect, a person has a sense of fulfillment, accomplishment, joy, excitement, and appreciation of life.
Specifically, numerology lucky numbers are the intrinsic and reduced numbers of a person's personal numerology chart — and also the calculation results encountered while reducing an intrinsic number to a reduced single-digit number.
Those numbers represent energies that resonate most with the person, with what the person is most comfortable with.
What makes them lucky numbers is the given that their energies tend to attract the events and circumstances that resonate with the person. And repel dissonant events and circumstances.
The number energies tend to conform the person's life experience to the delight of the individual the personal numerology chart is calculated for.
What Numerology Lucky Numbers Are Not
Some of the confusion associated with what numerology lucky numbers are and are not is likely to stem from understanding of non-numerology lucky numbers. These understandings can be incorrectly assumed to apply to numerology lucky numbers, causing confusion and a mixup of expectations.
Some people assume a certain number is their lucky number throughout their life (which may be the closest non-numerology definition to the real definition of numerology lucky numbers).
Some societies believe certain numbers are lucky and certain other numbers are unlucky.
When a person wins a lottery or other game of chance, the winning numbers were lucky numbers for that game (not for future games, as is often assumed).
There also are understandings of other non-numerology lucky numbers that can precipitate confusion when trying to apply those understandings to numerology lucky numbers. However, the above list should be sufficient to get the idea that there are as many different understandings as there are different kinds of lucky numbers.
The Lucky Numbers page, and also the Real Numerology Lucky Numbers page, have lists and descriptions of non-numerology lucky numbers and how they do not relate to numerology lucky numbers.
Numerology lucky numbers are different.
What Numerology Lucky Numbers Are and How They Can Be Useful
How to Find Lucky Numbers —
There are more personal lucky numbers than there are numbers found in a person's numerology chart. The numbers in the chart tend to be single-digit numbers or master numbers.
Numerology lucky numbers include the intrinsic number that the chart's single-digit and master numbers were reduced from. Any transitional numbers, numbers encountered as computation results during the reduction process, are also considered to be lucky numbers.
Why so many lucky numbers?
The intrinsic number, any transitional numbers, and the reduced number all represent similar energy.
The reason for so many lucky numbers is to know what all the numbers are that represent that lucky energy.
There may be 1, 2, 3, or more lucky numbers that all represent similar energy. When we know what each of those numbers are, we can take advantage of them as opportunity arises to attract more of the particular energy they represent.
Example Calculation to Reveal Lucky Numbers —
Here is an example of a calculation that reveals intrinsic, transitional, and single-digit numbers. It demonstrates how the intrinsic number (a birth year number, in this case) is reduced to a single digit.
1963 (intrinsic) 1+9+6+3 = 19 (transitional) 1+9 = 10 (transitional) 1+0 = 1 (reduced)
The intrinsic number 1963 reduces to the single-digit number 1 and reveals two transitional numbers (19 and 10) during the process.
Each of those numerology lucky numbers — 1963, 19, 10, and 1 — represent an energy that resonates with (among other things) independence and self‑sufficiency. Knowing what each of those numbers are, means they can be taken advantage of or used as opportunity arises for attracting that energy of independence.
Numerology Lucky Numbers Tool can be used to calculate various categories of lucky numbers.
How Lucky Numbers Can Be Useful —
As described earlier in this article, a person's numerology lucky numbers tend to attract those things (events, circumstances, synchronicities) that resonate most with the person's numerology chart.
The lucky numbers are calculated from the intrinsic numbers that the numbers of the person's numerology chart are populated with. Because of that, numerology lucky numbers tend to attract what is most acceptable to the person, what the person is most comfortable with. They are, indeed, lucky numbers.
When a person is aware of what their lucky numbers are, they can be alert to opportunities to use them. Here are a few examples:
When searching for a new residence, the house/
apartment/ flat number to choose (when two locations are otherwise equally desirable) is the number that is also one of your lucky numbers or that reduces to one of your lucky numbers. Similar considerations can be made regarding the street address.
When offered a choice of telephone numbers, the number that reduces to one of your lucky numbers can be considered the preferred telephone number.
Dates for important events may be chosen that have a numerology lucky number in one of its parts (year, month, or day) or with a reduced date number that is a lucky number.
With their numerology lucky numbers in a person's awareness, decisions and plans can take those into consideration.
See the Using Lucky Numbers page for more uses for numerology lucky numbers.
The information in this article — about what numerology lucky numbers are, are not, and how they can be used — is intended to reduce any confusion associated with numerology lucky numbers. For further reading, you can find more lucky-number articles at the Lucky Names, Numbers, and Colors index page.