Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers

Real Numerology Lucky Numbers

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There are various types of lucky numbers. Examples are:

  • Public lucky numbers — the numbers that win in public games of chance like the lottery.

  • Private lucky numbers — a number a person considers lucky for themself, one expected to bring fortune or success in finances, love, health, and/or other aspects of their personal life.

  • Social lucky numbers — numbers that many in a society generally think of as lucky. "Society" in this sense relates to groups such as a fraternity, a geographical area, or a religion.

  • Numerology lucky numbers — what this article is about.

Considering some of the questions we are asked, there are people who think numerology lucky numbers are the same as another kind — assuming numerology lucky numbers can win a public lottery, for example.

Real numerology lucky numbers are derived from a person's numerology chart, not from assumptions, beliefs, tradition, or other considerations.

Numerology Lucky Numbers

Most numerology lucky numbers are acquired from a person's numerology chart. Some of the lucky numbers are the intrinsic number before it was reduced to a single digit for the chart.

The reason the numbers of a person's numerology chart are considered lucky is because they attract characteristics, likelihoods, tendencies, ideas, points of view, events, and circumstances that resonate with the energies the chart numbers represent.

The reason intrinsic numbers are considered lucky is because they are the base of the chart number — the number from which the chart number is derived.

Because they are based on a person's numerology chart, real numerology lucky numbers are personal.

They are lucky because like attracts like. The energies lucky numbers represent tend to attract the very situations and conditions that resonate with the energy representing the person's numerology chart. It is what makes them lucky.

In other words, numerology lucky numbers represent what tends to be attracted to that person.

What Numerology Lucky Numbers are Good For

Numerology lucky numbers tend to have an effect on a person's experiences.

They affect the person's environment in the sense that the energy the lucky number represents attracts similar energy. It's a passive effect rather than an assertive effect.

As an example, the lucky number 5 tends to attract opportunities for a variety of experiences. These are likely to include (as illustrations of possibilities) interacting with people having various backgrounds, traveling to places the person hasn't been to before, and picking up new hobbies to immerse themself in for a while.

Every energy a lucky number represents has its own resonance. Some may be similar, but no two different lucky number energies resonate exactly the same.

If the energies of two lucky numbers are similar, they have similar attractions.

As an example, the energies represented by the lucky numbers 5 and 23 have similar resonance. But 23 tends to attract experiences with someone else or as a member of a group where 5 tends to attract experiences whether or not with companions.

Understanding the energies represented by individual numbers is a good grounding to recognize what your lucky numbers are attracting to you and your life.

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