Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
Using Lucky Numbers
How a person would use a lucky number to best advantage depends on what type of lucky number it is.
There are personal lucky numbers. These would be the numbers that seem to be associated with certain good happenings.
When a person wins a lottery or other chance game with a certain number, the number is generally referred to as the lucky number.
An inherited lucky number would be a number believed to be lucky by generations of the same family.
There are also societal lucky numbers. These would be a certain number that most of a society would consider lucky. The number 11 in many areas of the USA, is an example.
And then there is the numerology lucky number.
Using the numerology lucky number is what this article is about.
To understand why a numerology lucky number is considered to be lucky, it is first necessary to realize that a personal numerology chart is composed of numbers representing various aspects related to the person. A person's chart represents energy that resonates with the type of person they tend to be and events and circumstances the person is likely to experience.
It is those numbers, the numbers in their personal numerology chart, that are the person's numerology lucky numbers.
The reason they are lucky numbers is that the energy the numbers represent attract the very things that resonate with the person. They support the the type of person that they are and assist in attracting the events and circumstances that resonate with their chart.
Like attracts like.
It's automatic.
However, paying attention and noticing what is being attracted is not automatic. And, preparing for what is likely to be attracted is not automatic.
How to Use Numerology Lucky Numbers
Numerology lucky numbers are personal. They do what they do whether or not the person actively uses them.
People who use their lucky numbers are aware of what their lucky numbers are.
The First Step
The first step in your pursuit to use your numerology lucky numbers is to be aware of what they are.
This lucky numbers calculator can be used for that.
Make a note of each of your numerology lucky numbers. If there are repeats, only note one instance of the number.
The lucky number that is calculated when you use the "My most important lucky number" item from the dropdown list truly is the most important. If you do nothing with the rest of your numerology lucky numbers at least pay attention to this one.
The numerology lucky numbers you find when you use every dropdown list item are the primary numerology lucky numbers from your personal numerology chart. Ordering your lucky numbers numerically may help.
The Second Step
The second step is to become familiar with the energy represented by each of your lucky numbers.
There is a dedicated web page for most of your numbers. You'll find links to most of them at the number meanings index. For the numbers that do not yet have a dedicated page, the meaning for any number tool can help.
The full second step is simply to become familiar with your personal numerology lucky numbers.
The Final Step
This is the good part. You know what your numerology lucky numbers are. And you are familiar with the energy represented by those numbers.
The final step is to continuously, or as much as you can, be aware of the energies represented by your numerology lucky numbers — especially your most important lucky number as calculated at the above numerology lucky numbers tool.
Being aware of the energies, you can use the information when making life decisions. Because you know that the energies tend to attract situations and events that resonate with themselves (like attracts like), the information is valuable. Without the information, it can feel like decisions are made blindly.
The numerology lucky number energy can also be considered when making plans for the future. When goals are formed, they can align with the energies represented by your lucky numbers.
Another way to use your numerology lucky numbers is to prepare for the things your lucky numbers are likely to attract into your life and taking advantage of them.
This fourth step is mostly about awareness. Being aware of the energies, that awareness will naturally be applied wherever it is applicable. It is likely to make your life less rocky, to let you experience life with more pleasure, and to make sudden unexpected circumstances less disrupting.
This final step is ongoing.
The energy represented by a person's numerology lucky numbers attract the things the numbers resonate with.
Understanding the energy represented by a lucky number lets a person predict the types of events, circumstances, ideas, people, and other things that the lucky number is likely to attract to the person's life.
Now that you know what types of things your numerology lucky numbers are likely to attract, you are more likely to notice them.
Now that you know what types of things are likely to show up in your life, you can prepare to take advantage of them. Being prepared doesn't mean you must take advantage of any and all opportunities. You have choice. Being unprepared, however, takes away your choice.
When you know what your numerology lucky numbers are, and you are prepared to take advantage of the lucky things they attract, then you will indeed be a lucky person.