Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
What People Want to Know
At a sister website, Numerology Answers, we provided opportunity to ask numerology-related questions. We responded to several thousand. They are now in archives.
Some questions could not be answered with traditional numerology — such as questions requiring psychic predictions. I practice traditional Pythagorean numerology.
There is no psychic element within the calculations. But a psychic numerologist may employ their talent when they interpret the calculation results. The Psychic Numerology Interpretations article contains information about psychic numerology interpretations.
Some types of questions are asked more often than others — some multiple times per week.
Some of the frequently asked questions are answered below.
Frequently Asked Questions With Responses:
The questions are paraphrased to represent the many similar questions people have asked us.
When will I get a job?
The unknown can be scary because details about the future can not be known with certainty until the moment is lived.
The state of the economy in your geographical area, the field you are searching, employment history, and your own action or inaction all have an impact on when you will get a job.
Having said that, the most likely dates to get a job calculator can be used. It responds with dates that resonate better with a combination of your numerology chart and the type of job you are pursuing. An enhanced resonance may be more auspicious for getting a job on that date.
Also, the When Will I Get a Good Job article has pertinent information.
See the Career Suggestions Tool and the Life Path Calculation Tool for inspiration.
Will I pass the exam?
There is nothing numerology can do to affect the outcome of an exam. There are no calculations that I know of that will accurately predict the outcome.
See the psychic predictions link further above if you're looking for a psychic revelation.
A psychic might be consulted. But before doing that, consider the possible consequence of knowing the results ahead of time.
Knowing the result ahead of time can change the result.
That's because the future is malleable. It isn't a stiff, unyielding thing. Everything you do and don't do has an effect on the future.
If you knew you were going to pass the exam:
Would you then invest the same effort you would have otherwise? If not, having known in advance that you were going to pass could change the future just enough to make you fail the exam.
If you knew you were going to fail the exam:
Would you take the exam anyway? Why bother, right? In that case, you'll never have the chance to pass the exam and whatever you do instead of taking the exam will have an effect on the future.
On the other hand, if you give it your best effort, perhaps to prove that you can pass the exam regardless what the psychic said, then knowing in advance that you were going to fail would have been the impetus for you to provide even more effort.
And that might successfully change the future in your favor.
When will my finances get better?
Finance situations depend on many things. Here are several:
Your actions — what you do and don't do that affect your finances.
Other people's actions — the work they are doing or stop doing that affect your finances.
The economic situation of the geographical area where you pursue your existence.
The availability of the type of work or careers that are necessary to positively affect your finances.
None of those can be reliably calculated with numerology.
A person can, however, keep an open mind and seriously consider taking advantage of every opportunity revealed to them.
Further, the Career Suggestions Tool can be used to see how compatible their career is with the person's numerology chart. The Life Path Calculation Tool can also be used for information and for inspiration.
Will I be able to travel/go abroad?
Understand that numerology calculations aren't reliable when trying to predict changing visa requirements, government idiosyncrasies, currency exchanges, and other factors that affect whether or not you'll be able to travel.
However, numerology can be used to determine how compatible you are to the places you want to travel to.
The location compatibility article contains information about that. And the location compatibility calculator can help you with the numbers.
What name is best for me?
The energy represented by a person's name can influence the decisions the person makes or doesn't make. But a name does not, by itself, determine a person's future nor get rid of their problems.
The first thing to do when pursuing the idea of a new name is to determine what energy should be represented by the name.
The About Numerology Number Meanings article lists short descriptions of each single-digit number to choose from. The short descriptions also have links to more information about that particular number.
Determine which number best represents the energy you prefer for your name.
If that number doesn't represent all that you want, you may select a second number.
When you have your preferred name number or numbers at hand, make a list of names that are acceptable to you. Be sure to include your current name on that list (it may actually be the best name).
With your list of names and your preferred number or numbers, open the Best Name Finder page.
The best name finder will look at your list of names and see which are most compatible with the energy represented by the number or numbers you selected.
When will I meet my soul mate?
The Finding Your Soul Mate article contains information that may be very, very helpful to you.
Will I marry the person I'm thinking of?
Numerology calculations can be used to predict tendencies and likelihoods. But not specific actions.
That is because actions, what a person does or does not do, generally are based on free will. Free will always takes precedence over numerology calculation results.
Something that is more reliable than numerology or other esoteric predictions is to ask him or her if it is possible that you will marry each other.
When will I get married?
If you do not already know who you will marry, you may use the Marriage Dates Prediction Tool. It responds with periods where marriage is more likely.
If you do know who you will marry, the marriage date may be determined by you and your intended spouse, with perhaps input by close relatives and/or clergy.
To help choose an auspicious wedding date, one for more than just a lucky wedding day, but also for an auspicious life with your mate, then consider obtaining the auspicious marriage date report.
Those are some of the most frequently types of questions that were asked repeatedly by people at the sister numerology website.
More, and related, answers to often asked questions are linked from More of What People Want to Know article.