Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
When Will I Get a Good Job?
The social and economic pressure of not having a job can be intense.
Numerology calculations can be employed to obtain a list of dates when getting a job is more likely. Numbers in your personal numerology chart are used in the calculations, as is the type of job you are seeking.
But, please remember this: Numerology can not get a job for you.
Getting a job depends mostly on what you do and don't do. Yet, other things also have an effect:
The availability of the type of job you are seeking.
Your qualifications for the job.
Your enthusiasm for the work the job would require.
The competition for the job.
Numerology is not a predictor of predestined events, but it can reveal tendencies.
The free online Dates for Getting a Job calculator can be used to see which calendar days the type of job you are looking for most closely resonates with your personal numerology chart. The tendency for like to attract like makes it more likely that you will get a job on one of those dates.
The calculator only determines the likely dates for getting a job.
In reality, a job can be obtained at any time, not just the calculated dates. The calculator is meant to provide knowledge, a positive outlook, and confidence that a job can be obtained at any time.
In fact, it is prudent to exert extra effort to apply for jobs and follow up on leads during the days that aren't listed. The acts of applying for jobs and following up leads can be the very thing that makes it even more likely you will get a job on one of the calculated dates.
Getting a Job Depends on What You Do
If you do the actions it takes to get a job, then getting a job is likely. If you don't do those actions, getting a job is unlikely.
Getting a job requires that the type of job you are seeking is available to be filled. If there's no such job available, it can't be had. See the Alternatives section of this article for things that might be done in such case.
If there are more people applying for the type of job you are seeking than the number of such jobs available, there is competition. You'll need to be better than the competition in whatever the companies or their hiring officers are looking for when they consider filling the job. See the Alternatives section for additional considerations in case the competition is too fierce.
If you arn't qualified for that type of job you are seeking, you'll need to get the education, experience, or whatever else is required to have more than a minimum chance to get the job.
If there are no jobs available of the kind you're looking for, or if the competition for existing jobs is too fierce, or you're not qualified for the job, consider one or more of these alternatives:
Get qualified for the type of job you're seeking.
Seek a different type of job. (See the career suggestions tool for suggestions.)
Start a business. Either operate the business indefinitely or run the business while you continue to look for the type of job you want.
The Likely Dates to Get a Job Calculator
At the Dates for Getting a Job calculator, provide your name, birth date, and type of job. The calculator will respond with a list of dates more likely for you to get a job than on other dates.
After using the calculator, do the actions it takes to get the job you're looking for.