Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
More of What People Want to Know
At our sister website, Numerology Answers, we responded to several thousand questions related to numerology. They are now in archives. (You might find some of them interesting.)
Because we got more questions than we had the resources to respond to, the "what people want to know" series of articles at this website addresses some of the repetitive ones.
The first set of numerology questions and our responses are at the What People Want to Know article.
Some questions can't be answered with traditional numerology — such as questions requiring psychic predictions. (I practice traditional Pythagorean numerology. See Psychic Numerology Interpretations.)
Some of those types of questions also are responded to here.
Perhaps you have wondered about something that is addressed below.
Frequently Asked Questions With Responses:
The questions are paraphrased to represent the many similar questions people ask.
Will my marriage be good?
The marriage compatibility calculator can be used for a response expressed as percentage of compatibility. The reports are calculated with the name and birth date of both people. The percentages and the energy represented by the revealed numbers are then interpreted for compatibility.
Be that as it may, the value of a marriage is what the partners put into it.
Who will I marry?
Numerology calculations are not psychic. They calculate only known information, like a person's name and birth date.
Thus, numerology is unable to reliably predict who a person will marry — especially when the other person's name and birth date are unavailable for calculations.
If you have someone specific in mind, or whenever you do in the future, a numerology compatibility report can be obtained with the marriage compatibility calculator. Compatibility reports are calculated with the name and birth date of both people. The energy represented by the revealed numbers are then interpreted for compatibility.
Will my marriage be arranged or love?
Numerology can not reliably predict whether a person will marry by arrangement or for love.
It takes two or more people to accomplish a marriage: At least two for a love marriage. Certainly more than two for an arranged marriage.
The numerology profiles and intentions of those involved would need to be known in order to respond to your question. And even then, the suggestion is subject to the free will of everyone directly involved.
My marriage has problems. What can I do?
It may be prudent to consult with a qualified marriage counselor and, if you are religious, consulting with the person in your religion most qualified to assist and is conveniently available.
I want to know everything about my life — career, partner, love, fame, wealth, health, family — everything.
See the Don't Tell Me My Future! article for why that's generally not a good idea.
If you still want to know everything about your life ahead of time, first get a full, complete numerology reading (from our business associate) and then get readings from various qualified psychics, tarot readers, and other qualified seers and people who practice divination.
What does full name at birth really mean?
Some numerologists and many online numerology readings ask for a person's name. Some require the birth name. There may be confusion about what is meant by birth name.
At or soon after birth, the baby's name is generally recorded somewhere — most likely a birth certificate or other governmental birth record. However, it may be a notation by a family member in a keepsake book or other document or perhaps a church document.
"Name at birth" means the name as it was first recorded. Whatever was recorded at the time, even if the recording had misspellings or other typographical errors.
If the record includes one or more middle names, then those are part of the name at birth.
If the family name (or "last" name as it is generally referred to in the USA) is not recorded at that time, the family name is still assumed to be included with the name at birth.
The name as first recorded at birth has a lifelong effect on the person, even if the person later goes by a different name.
The how to get the best reading article has more information.
When will I get pregnant?
Will my baby be a boy or girl?
You know what it takes to get pregnant, and it does not rely on a numerology prediction. If there are issues with getting pregnant, see a health practitioner who specializes in fertility.
If you are pregnant, consult with a physician can help answer if your baby is a boy or a girl.
When will I die?
Numerology calculations are for determining the likely characteristics of a person living life and the energy that can be expected in the person's future. There are no date or time of death prediction calculations in traditional numerology, nor calculations for how long a person will live.
Those are some of the most frequently types of questions we were asked. You will find thousands of responses in the archives.
More, and related, answers to often asked questions are linked from the index to often asked numerology questions articles.