Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
Finding a Soul Mate
I often get asked whether or not someone is a soul mate or when they will find their soul mate, and even if there is a soul mate for them.
Some people seem to have the idea that a soul mate is someone who understands them and they understand the soul mate.
Other people think a soul mate must be the person they marry and have life-long happiness with.
I've responded to questions about whether or not a certain person is their soul mate. The person they are dating is someone they really, really like. But they hesitate to begin a romantic relationship because what if this person is not their soul mate and their soul mate shows up later in life — it would mean they would miss their soul mate or they would have to end their current relationship.
Some believe there must be one, and only one, soul mate for every individual. Others trust that there are multiple potential soul mates for everybody.
Soul mate answers depend on what a person believes or feels a soul mate is and what it means. The meaning is subjective.
It can be a conundrum.
Soul mates are naturally attracted to each other. They are ideally suited to each other as a close friend or romantic partner.
Numerology can provide compatibility scores. But higher scores don't necessarily mean the two are soul mates.
Whether or not someone is a soul mate of another is answered by whether or not the two feel they are soul mates. Other people and readings may render opinions, but the feelings of the two people are the ones that count.
When a person finds a soul mate, it feels like the soul mate. And it will be the soul mate because you don't need another. Which may be the source of the myth of there being only one soul mate per person.
Yet, if the relationship is interrupted for whatever reason, a person may find someone else who also feels like the soul mate.
(Some people have more than one partner, such as a circle of friends or business associates. In this article we are exclusively referring to two-person romantic relationships.)
Soul mates probably (but not necessarily) have high numerology compatibility scores. Also see the numerology and compatible relationships article.
The marriage compatibility calculator can be used to determine compatibility for a marriage relationship. Understand that compatibility is not the only thing that determines whether or not someone is a soul mate. How you feel and how the other person feels are most important.
There are two ways to find a soul mate. But first, it is prudent for a person to prepare themself to meet the soul mate.
Preparing To Meet Your Soul Mate
Become certain about who you are. Feel complete in and of yourself.
Should you meet unexpectedly, it is easier to recognize your soul mate when you are certain of who you are. Additionally, being certain of who you are makes it easier for your soul mate to recognize you.
Being uncertain tends to project the uncertainty onto the people you meet, preventing you from seeing them as they are — and your uncertainty can affect their perception of how they see you.
If you experience uncertainty, a numerology reading is a good place to start. Study the reading with some skepticism. Accept what is true only because it is true for you, not because someone or something said it was true.
Learning about your numerology chart is a good place to start discovering what feels true for you.
If a free reading leaves you with questions or you feel there's more to be had, get an in-depth and comprehensive paid reading.
(Free numerology readings generally are limited because in-depth readings require time and attention to the individuals' details – which generally won't be given away. Paid readings, on the other hand, support the numerologist, who has an incentive to deliver high quality readings to stay in business.)
Recognize your joys and your fears, your accomplishments and your needs. The more you know about yourself, the more certain you can be of who you are and, even though you have needs, the more you realize that you really are complete in and of yourself.
Your soul mate is likely to want someone who is certain and feels complete.
Be certain. Feel complete. Be fully yourself in preparation for meeting your soul mate.
Two Ways To Find Your Soul Mate
One way is to let your soul mate find you.
Be available to be found. If you stay home and avoid people, it will be hard to find you. Interact with people. Be visible. Go to gatherings and meetings that your soul mate might also attend.
The other way is for you to find your soul mate.
Be socially active. To find your soul mate, you'll need to frequent the places your soul mate may frequent. Interact with people. Be visible. Speak to many different types of people, because any one of them might at some point in the future be a key to your meeting your soul mate.
Neither of the methods are guaranteed, of course. Being available to be found and/or actively looking for your soul mate will make finding your soul mate more likely.
It can happen that soul mates meet through a fortunate stoke of serendipity. Even for that to happen, both need to be present.
Finding Your Soul Mate
Be certain of who you are. Get a numerology reading to help gain certainty. Feel complete in and of yourself.
Make yourself visible and interact with people in places where your soul mate might also be present.