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Numerology Benefits When Birth Name or Date Are Unknown

If I don't know my birth name, or my exact date of birth, can I still use numerology?

Yes, just not all of numerology.

Numerology Benefits When Birth Name or Date Are Unknown

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The Essence Transit Calculator

Image for 'The Essence Transit Calculator' numerology article

An essence transit chart provides the letters and numbers that represent an essence of an individual, year by year, one birthday to the next.

The essence calculation provides a number. An essence transit number is calculated from a letter of each segment of the name (first, middle, last).

There may be more than one middle name, resulting in additional segments. Or no middle name. Or the name may even be composed of only one segment.

The essence number is the total of the numerical value of all the current segment letters reduced to a single digit.

The essence transit letters and the essence number may remain the same for one or more years, perhaps for many years. Then change.

The general definition of an essence is the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something in relation to its character. And that is what the essence chart reveals — an intrinsic quality of the individual the essence transit was calculated for.

The most accurate essence transit numbers are obtained from the full name as first recorded at birth.

Get your essence transit chart with the form further below.

The calculator provides the essence transit chart followed by interpretations.

For interpretations of the energy represented by the individual essence numbers — and more information about the essence transit — see the companion The Essence Transit article.


Yearly Global Numerology Forecast

Yearly Global Numerology Forecast' numerology article

There are universal numerology energies that affect the entire world. They provide a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur.

Similar to personal numerology charts, global energies change every year.

This page provides a 3-year, yearly global numerology forecast.

These are yearly global tendencies, not personal tendencies. For personal tendencies, see the personal yearly numerology readings article.

Global readings are about general inclinations during the year.

Some individuals will flow along with universal inclinations on some or most days of the year. Others, because their expression of free will is otherwise or their personal numerology charts conflict, will experience something different.


Monthly Global Numerology Forecast

Monthly Global Numerology Forecast' numerology article

Similar to personal numerology charts, global energies change every month. They affect the entire world.

The effect of the energy is a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur — which makes those events and circumstances more likely.

This page provides a 5-month global numerology forecast.

These are monthly global tendencies, not personal tendencies. For personal tendencies, see the personal monthly numerology readings tool.

Monthly global forecasts are about general inclinations during the calendar month. As with all numerology forecasts and charts, if contradicted by free will, then free will prevails.

Some individuals will flow along with universal inclinations on some or most days of the month. Others, because their personal numerology charts conflict, will experience something different.


Daily Global Numerology Forecast

Daily Global Numerology Forecast' numerology article

There are global numerology energies that affect the entire world. They provide a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur.

This page provides a 7-day, daily global numerology forecast.

These are daily global tendencies, not personal tendencies. For personal tendencies, see the personal daily numerology readings article.

Global forecasts are about general inclinations.

Although they aren't forecasts of personal tendencies, the ambient global tendencies can have an effect on individuals.

Some individuals will flow along with global inclinations on some days. Others, because their personal numerology charts conflict, will experience something different.

Free will is, like with any numerology forecast or chart, of most importance. Where free will and a forecast or chart conflict, free will prevails.


Numerology Predictions for Year 2025

Image for 'Numerology Predictions for Year 2025' numerology article

The universal energy during year 2025 will resonate with humanitarianism, tolerance, and compassion. Also generosity and holistic points of view.

Universal energy permeates the globe of Earth. It influences individuals, some more than others. The How Universal and Personal Numerology Energy Affect Each Other article talks about the influences.

The year 2025 is a universal year 9 (calculation: 2+0+2+5=9). As noted, the numerology energy of the number 9 resonates with humanitarianism. The human condition, the state of humanity, and geographical areas of need tend to get more attention this year. The year's resonance is likely to present opportunities to help by personal effort and with philanthropic gestures.

Remember, the same universal energy permeates all of humanity.


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