Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
Harmonious, Dissonant, and Neutral Numbers
Numbers represent numerology energy.
The energy represented by two numbers may resonate well together. Or conflict.
And the energy of two numbers might not affect each other much at all. They can be considered neutral because there is an absence of both harmony and dissonance.
The vibrational interaction of number energy is often considered by numerologists when interpreting a numerology chart. It can be especially useful for comparing the energy of the core numbers.
The destiny (name number) and the life path (birth date number) in particular are often compared for determining a name that is balanced with the birth date according to the person's preference.
What is desirable and what is undesirable is subjective. Some people prefer an easy life, not learning much, just coasting along. Others prefer an exciting life of learning opportunities.
The essence of a numerology number is the intrinsic nature or quality of the energy it represents. This numerology number meanings article has information that can help to determine which numbers are harmonious, dissonant, and neutral.
The energy represented by the personal numerology chart positions have varying degrees of interaction. Numbers calculated from the name generally interact more with each other than they do with numbers calculated from the date of birth. And vice versa.
Harmonious Number Energy
Harmony occurs when the expression of two numerology energy resonances support and enhance each other.
As an example of harmonious numerology energy, the number 7's energy of introspection and the number 1's energy of self-reliance fit within the concept of focus on self.
Dissonant Number Energy
Dissonance occurs when an energy resonance can not be fully expressed simultaneously with the presence of another energy resonance.
An example is the number 4's focus on working and building for the future and the number 5's focus on expression of personal freedom.
Neutral Number Energy
Neutrality occurs when two numerology energy resonances don't affect each other. The energies neither share the same concept nor do they have an opposing resonance. There is no harmony and no disharmony.
That can be seen in the number 1 energy's self-reliance and the number 3 energy's artistic expression. Both resonances can be fully expressed and they don't interfere with each other.
Which is Best?
There is nothing inherently good or bad about numerology energy harmony, discordance, or neutrality. All may have desirable and undesirable aspects depending on your point of view, your opinion.
Here are some things to consider.
Numerology energies in harmony have no friction. They resonate with each other and support each other. When nothing conflicts, however, there tends to be less incentive to learn about other aspects of life or to change things for the better.
Dissonant numerology energies do have friction. The resonances are incompatible. The friction generally results in much learning about life as the disharmony is experienced and accepted.
There is insignificant, if any, friction between neutral numerology energy. There may be incentive to learn about the differences between the neutral energy resonances, but the learning is not imperative as it is for dissonant numbers.
Determining whether two number energies are harmonious, dissonant, or neutral requires understanding the energies. Compatibility of Number Energy can be consulted for compatibility and incompatibility. But the most reliable method is to study the energy of each of the relevant numbers.
Incorporating relevant harmonious, dissonant, and neutral energy understandings can provide depth to a numerology interpretation.