Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers

What Numerology Lucky Numbers Are For

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What are lucky numbers? What makes them lucky?

What are numerology lucky numbers for?

Numerology lucky numbers have been ascribed to being influential in, among other things, career, love, health, and general happiness.

Here we talk about numerology lucky numbers. And we'll answer those questions accordingly.

There are many numerology lucky numbers associated with every person's numerology chart. The trick is knowing which lucky numbers to use for what situations and when to use them.

Perhaps more importantly, knowing how to use them. And why.

Let's take this one step at a time.

  1. Why a person would want to use lucky numbers — what to use them for.

  2. Which of the many numerology lucky numbers to use.

  3. When to use certain lucky numbers. And how to use them.

Why a person would want to use lucky numbers — what to use them for.

The lucky numbers of your numerology chart are working all the time. In a sense, then, you are using your lucky numbers already, whether you are or are not aware of it.

Opportunities are brought to you intermittently. If you notice them, you are lucky. If you don't notice them, you never know they are there.

A person can use lucky numbers consciously to take advantage of lucky breaks — such as noticing a career-related opportunity or noticing a person in a crowd who is a possible mate for happy ever after.

Numerology lucky numbers are used consciously to enhance the luckiness of a situation or event.

When a person wants to be especially lucky in a certain area — career, love, health, etc — there are ways to use personal lucky numbers to increase luckiness.

Which of the many numerology lucky numbers to use.

Because there are many lucky numbers within a person's numerology chart, it's necessary to determine which to use.

Determining which lucky number or numbers to use requires knowing what area or areas of life a person wants to be more lucky with.

Below are three areas where many people want to enhance their luck.

Select one area at a time. You can switch to another area later, whatever frequency seems right for you.

But don't switch too soon. Give each area sufficient chance to present opportunities to you before abandoning it for another. Sometimes it takes days or even weeks for a significant opportunity to present itself and be noticed.


For luck in careers, use numbers calculated from the birth date.

The life path number is the lucky number to use. (The life path tool can determine your life path number.)

The current pinnacle cycle number and/or the current life period cycle number can also be used, especially if they resonate with the type of career you're wanting more luck with.


For luck in love, one specific number calculated from the name is used.

The heart's desire number is the lucky number. (The heart's desire tool can determine your heart's desire number.)


The lucky number for health is calculated from the name.

The destiny number is the lucky number to use. (The destiny tool can determine your destiny number.)

When to use certain lucky numbers. And how to use them.

When you know your lucky number, use the number whenever you wish to enhance your luck.

Obtain something that reminds you of the lucky number — something that will be a constant reminder.

The constant reminder might be a lucky color (a color in your immediate environment, clothing color, or color of an accessory). It might be an object in your environment or a wearable that reminds you of the number — a triangle if your lucky number is 3, for example.

If you have more than one lucky number to pay attention to, then obtain something for each number.

Wearing certain colors or having certain objects in your environment can serve as a constant reminder to be alert.

Opportunities that resonate with your lucky numbers are presented to you frequently or infrequently. If you don't notice them, they are forever lost opportunities.

But if you are alert and observing and do notice the opportunities related to your lucky number, you can take advantage of them immediately, before they pass by. (You are likely to also notice other opportunities, which you might take advantage of, if you are so inclined.)

For that is the key to luckiness — to be alert to opportunities and take advantage of them.

Without alert observation, lucky instances and opportunities are missed. With alert observation, they're more likely to be noticed and taken advantage of.

Noticing and taking advantage is how luck manifests.

That's when you understand you are a lucky individual.

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