Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Monthly World Numerology Forecast
Similar to personal numerology charts, universal or world energies change every month. They affect the entire world.
The effect of the energy is a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur — which makes those events and circumstances more likely.
This page provides a 5-month world numerology forecast.
These are monthly world tendencies, not personal tendencies. For personal tendencies, see the personal monthly numerology readings tool.
Monthly world or universal forecasts are about general inclinations during the calendar month. As with all numerology forecasts and charts, if contradicted by free will, then free will prevails.
Some individuals will flow along with universal inclinations on some or most days of the month. Others, because their personal numerology charts conflict, will experience something different.
Here are the world's tendencies for 5 months, beginning with the current month, January, 2025, through May, 2025:
January, 2025 number 1
(1+2025 = 2026 = 10 = 1)
More people are likely to just go ahead and do things, independent of what others might think. And they're more likely to succeed this month, as self-sufficient independence is imbued in the month's resonance. Expect to hear of new projects getting started or organizations being formed.
February, 2025 number 2
(2+2025 = 2027 = 11 = 2)
This is a month when diplomatic activity is likely to be more readily accepted as a way to solve problems. Cooperation — neighbor with neighbor, country with country — seems to work with less nitpicking. People are likely to pay more attention to their relationships with an eye on improving them.
March, 2025 number 3
(3+2025 = 2028 = 12 = 3)
The importance and acceptance of socializing and community activities tends to be higher this month. Creative self-expression, too. The energy of optimism, tolerance, and inspiration permeates the ambient atmosphere. The arts seem to be more in people's awareness.
April, 2025 number 4
(4+2025 = 2029 = 13 = 4)
This month, there is likey to be more attention on building a secure foundation for the future, with methods established to see it through to completion. Attentiveness seems to pervade the world, attention to detail and step-by-step procedures for accomplishing things.
May, 2025 number 5
(5+2025 = 2030 = 5)
The month tends to bring a lot of talk about freedom, especially the expression of individual's unique sense of freedom. Change and adventure are in the month's resonance, so there are likely to be more of those than usual.
Here are forecasts for other time periods:
The Universal Influence Cycles Calculator calculates the daily, monthly, and yearly forecast for the date you select.