Affinity Numerology : Example People Stories

Sunrise and Influences Affecting Her Life Path

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Sunrise Fictive is the daughter of the example people family whose numerology charts are used for illustrations, examples, and stories in articles at this website.

This story is about influences affecting her life path. Sunrise's life path energy is represented by the number 4.

The life path 4 energy attracts events and circumstances related to practicality and achieving a secure foundation for the future. These types of events and circumstances occur frequently or persistently as Sunshine lives life.

Being the go-to person when fellow students have problems with math, noticing opportunities to make investments likely to pay off well in the long run, choosing toy building block sets over a pre-built doll house while a child — these are all types of events and circumstances that resonate with life path 4 energy.

Sunshine's personality number and heart's desire number are also the number 4. The energies represented by those numerology chart numbers enhance the energy of the life path number. And vice versa.

Although the life path 4 energy will be with Sunshine her entire life, she approaches her life differently at different ages because of gained experience and maturity.

In addition, her life path 4 energy is influenced by the energy of her various numerology cycles. The pinnacle cycles and life period cycles in particular tend to have a strong influence.

Until her early 30's, Sunshine's pinnacle number was the number 2 and her life period number was the number 6.

The energies represented by both of those first cycles are compatible with the life path 4 energy. Nevertheless, they did have some influence.

The pinnacle number 2 energy resonates with relationships. The energy tended to attract relationship-related events and circumstances to her life path. It also influenced a tendency to see events as somehow related to relationships, whether or not they really were.

The life period number 6 energy resonates with home and family. The energy tended to attract home- and family-related events and circumstances to her life path.

The pinnacle energy tends to influence both the life path energy and the way a person views events and circumstances, which divides its influence into two areas. The life period energy tends to influence only the life path energy, which concentrates its influence to one area.

Thus, the life period energy generally has more influence with the life path energy than does the pinnacle energy.

As a Child

As a young child, Sunshine's environment tended to guide her interests toward things that encouraged paying attention to detail and determining exactly how things work.

Because of the first cycle pinnacle influence she tended to see the cooperative nature of things, how they related to each other. The life period influence attracted events and circumstances that reinforced the idea that she was in her home and that the people around her were her family.

Here are some events and circumstances Sunshine experienced during childhood:

  • Toys she was given generally had a home/family feel. The toys often included sets of pieces intended to be used for constructing things. Examples are sets of clothes for dressing dolls and parts to build doll houses instead of pre-constructed ones.

  • Her home was in a town. The back yard was large enough, with some bushes and a tree, to provide opportunities for playing outside with nature. She used sticks and mud and rocks to build scenes such as communities of streets and houses.

  • Her interests in gardening, repairing garden and lawn tools, and cooking were encouraged as a way to be part of the family and contribute her skills.

The events and circumstances tended to match the type of person she presented herself as and what she innately desired, as shown by her personality and heart's desire numbers being the same as her life path number.

As an Adult

At age 32, Sunshine's pinnacle number changed to the number 7.

She began to see things more through scientific and spiritual viewpoints — sometimes one, sometimes the other, and sometimes things were see from a postion of both scientific and spiritual.

She tended to question superficial or impromptu solutions. It became more important to solve problems completely.

Events and circumstances tended to be more of both the scientific type and the spiritual type. Examples are books recommended to her and opportunities for further education.

While not dissonant with the number 4 energy, the number 7 energy tended to steer Sunshine's life path toward the scientific and spiritual.

At age 33, there was another change. Her life period number changed to the number 5.

Suddenly, she seemed to have an abundance of interests. Opportunities to follow her whim abounded.

The number 5 energy of expression of personal freedom is dissonant with the number 4 energy of building a secure foundation for the future. One tends to follow interests as they come up. The other tends to focus on the future.

Projects are started and abandoned — projects started because she was suddenly interested in the subject then abandoned when her interests changed.

That is where she finds herself as this account is written.

The attraction of both types of events and circumstances, 4-energy related and 5-energy related, will continue until Sunshine's life period cycle changes again, at age 60. The life cycle number becomes the number 2, a number representing energy compatible with her life path 4 energy.

In the meantime, Sunshine's pinnacle energy will change twice, at age 41 to the number 9 and at age 50 to the number 8. The energies represented by the pinnacle numbers 9 and 8 are compatible with her life path 4 energy. The influence is there but is smoothly compatible with the life path.

Her Later Life

In her later life, Sunshine will, like her father, continue to have events and circumstances attracted to her that relate to creating an ever-more secure future for her family and for herself. The life path energy is a part of who she is and will be with her for her entire life.

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