Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
Unchangeable Lifetime Best Lucky Number
Personal lucky numbers bring an influence into your life that can be used for positive results and a more successful life.
The best lucky numbers are the birth date number and the birth name number.
There are other lucky numbers, all with energy, vibrations that tend to attract or repulse things. There are cyclical lucky numbers, for example, like daily lucky numbers. And other lucky numbers calculated from the birth date and lucky numbers calculated from the name.
A person can change their name. But the birth date can't be changed.
Therefore, because it's the only thing related to a numerology profile that can't be changed, the unchangeable lifetime best lucky number is the birth date number.
Calculating the unchangeable lifetime best lucky number is fairly straightforward. I'll describe exactly how to do it.
Calculating the Unchangeable Lifetime Best Lucky Number
To find your unchangeable lifetime best lucky number, add together the digits of your day, month, and year of birth. Just string them all together.
The lifetime best lucky number tool can calculate the number for you automatically.
To do the calculations manually and as an example of procedure, let's use Daiy Fictive's June 8, 1963 birth date for the calculation instructions.
June is the 6th month of the year. Therefore, the number 6 represents June. (Similar with other months, use the month number for the calculation.)
Here is the first step of the calculation — the day number, the month number, and the year number added together:
8 + 6 + 1+9+6+3 = 33
The result is a lucky number (33, in this example), but it's not the best lucky number we're looking for.
If the result is more than 9, which it almost always will be, add together the digits of the result. Keep doing that until the result is 9 or less. (Supporting instructions here.)
Here's the entire calculation for the birth date 8th of June, 1963:
8 + 6 + 1+9+6+3 = 33 3+3 = 6
With the above calculations, you can see 6 is the unchangeable lifetime best lucky number for June 8, 1963.
Here is a short interpretation of each single-digit unchangeable lifetime best lucky number. They describe the types of events and circumstances the lucky number tends to attract.
Number 1 —
The areas of being self-reliant, expressing individuality, and opportunities to assume leadership tend to be attracted.
Number 2 —
It tends to attract situations where being discreet is helpful and/or being tactful. There tend to be opportunities to be an influential team member.
Number 3 —
Opportunities for creative self-expression are most likely. Also social gatherings where self-expression permeates the atmosphere.
Number 4 —
Recognition of various ways to make the future more secure tends to be attracted, perhaps one right after the other or extended time between each.
Number 5 —
Opportunities to express a personal sense of freedom are likely to be noticed. And, generally, with eager acceptance. Situations and events are likely to provide opportunities to experience new things.
Number 6 —
Support for family, parenting, and harmonizing tends to arrive again and again. As do opportunities to express an idealistic vision.
Number 7 —
Opportunities to exercise skilled investigation, research, and analysis tend to be noticed. They tend to support an introspective inclination.
Number 8 —
Business and other opportunities for material gain in response to satisfying social needs tend to arrive and be noticed.
Number 9 —
Humanitarian opportunities tend to present themselves, opportunities to create or assist an organization dedicated to bettering humanity's situations.
Whatever your unchangeable lifetime best lucky number is, the luck it brings is an influence that tends to bring events and opportunities that resonate with the energy the lucky number represents.