Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

What Numerology Is

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Numerology is mostly about people. Individuals.

Numerology energies (represented by letters and numbers) are interpreted to determine tendencies and likelihoods.

(Generally, the letters and numbers are those of a person's name and birth date, or results of calculations with them. Letters and numbers may also be of locations or things, such as street addresses and telephone numbers.)

Numerology doesn't require belief or faith because it's results are arrived at mathematically.

Usually, numerology calculations are done to determine the energies for interpretation. But not always.

The first letter of a person's name (the cornerstone letter) requires no calculation, for example. Another example is the first vowel (the open heart letter) of a person's name.

Still, most require calculations. Almost all are additions. A few are subtractions.

The birth name and the birth date are the foundation of the numerology system of mathematical calculations.

Nick names, married names, and official name changes can all have an impact on the foundation. The energies represented by the name first recorded at birth persist at least to some degree through any name changes.

When doing calculations that include later-acquired names, the relevance of the birth name often is included in numerology readings, especially with professional readings.

An interpretation of the energy that the results represent may incorporate the individual's circumstances. As an example, the energy represented by a the heart's desire number a person has is likely to be interpreted differently when the person is a baby than it would be with the same person as middle aged, or the person living toward the end of their life expectancy. (Free online readings are unlikely to provide for those types of distinctions.)

And, of course, an individual's free will is always persent.

There are no certainties. Predictions of unalterable futures are impossible.

When a person's free will differs from numerological results, free will generally prevails.

Divination is an aspect of numerology — not necessarily the largest aspect but, one that tends to get much attention. Various aspects of numerology are addressed further below.

Types of Numerology

There are numerous types or branches of numerology.

This website, and the numerology answers website, use traditional Pythagorean numerology (also known as Western numerology). Other popular numerology practices are Chaldean, Kabbalah, and Tamil (also known as Vedic numerology).

Aspects of Numerology

There are various aspects of numerology — one of which is divination, generally consulted so a person can be better prepared for certain likelihoods at various points in their future.

Here is a short list of of things that can be done with various numerology aspects.

  1. Determine most likely personality traits of current or prospective romantic interests or business partners.

  2. Obtain a compatibility score for you and a romantic interest.

  3. Find out which lucky numbers stay with you for your entire lifetime, and which are just for today

  4. Reveal the most likely mid-life change of perspective.

  5. Obtain career suggestions that resonate with your numerology profile.

  6. Determine an appropriate professional name.

  7. Look into the future to see what the pinnacle cycle and life period cycle changes will introduce themselves into your life and when the cycle changes will occur.

  8. Determine street address compatibility and telephone number compatibility.

  9. Get yearly predictions, monthly predictions, and daily predictions.

Numerology can be used for many things, only some of which are divination related.

With better understanding of how things actually are, we are in a better position to change what we wish to change. Knowing the futures we are likely to face, we can take steps to help that future to come about or to change it into something more desirable.

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