Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
What Name Is Best for Me?
The best name is not the same for everybody. Otherwise, everybody could have the same name for the best of life.
The best name for you is the name that best represents the numerology energy you most want to be associated with.
What is the most important to you?
Identify that. Then, identify the numerology energy that most aligns with what you consider important.
When the numerology energy is identified, you have information essential to successfully determine the best name for yourself.
The 3 steps to finding the best name for yourself:
Determine what is most important to you.
Identify the numerology energy that best aligns with what is most important.
Choose a name that best represents the numerology energy.
Guidance for doing those steps is further below. Links to other articles will be provided to help out.
Determining What Is Most Important
Every individual has their own importances. You, too, of course.
The trick is to identify which is the most important.
Examples of importances are having a good marriage, being a famous actor, owning a powerful business, or feeling like being at home even when visiting elsewhere.
It is imperative to understand that a name will not give you your most important thing. You'll will have to do the actions to achieve it. However, the right name represents energy that tends to attract what is important to you and is inclined to support your actions to get it.
To determine what is most important to you, first make a list of everything that seems important.
Now, go through the list and remove each item that is less important than another item on the list.
If you end up with more than one item on your list, and none seems less important than the rest, then do this:
With each importance on the list, imagine what your life would be like without it.
Now, remove the importance that seems you could best do without.
Repeat that until you end up with the one item on the list that is most important to you.
The Numerology Energy That Best Aligns With What Is Most Important
A reference to numerology energy and what it resonates with is required to help make this determination.
See About Numerology Number Meanings for help finding the number that represents the numerology energy that best aligns with what is most important.
Write down the number. If one of the numbers is insufficient, a second number may be selected.
The Name That Best Represents the Numerology Energy
Make a list of names that are acceptable to you — names you feel you would be comfortable with if you were referred to in that way.
The list can be long or short. The idea is to write down all you can think of that are acceptable to you.
Now, use the best name finding tool to determine which name on your list is the best for the most important item on your list of importances.
Provide the tool with the number(s) that best represent what is most important to you. And also your list of acceptable names.
The tool will let you know which on your list is the best name for you.
A Reason to Not Change Your Name
This section is a caution because some people do want to change their name for the very reason they should not.
If you are looking to change your name to escape current circumstances, don't do it. It won't help. It even might have a negative effect.
Names should be changed only to gain something, never for getting rid of something.
That's because the energy representing a new name never gets rid of the energy representing a previous name. The new does not replace the old. The vibrations representing the new name build on the previous name vibrations. See this name changes article for more info.