Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

Most Powerful Numerology Cycle

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There are short and long numerology cycles. Short cycles occur within longer cycles.

The longer the cycle in a personal numerology chart, the more powerful it is.

This article provides 2 things:

  1. Explains why the longest cycle is the most powerful.

  2. Helps you determine which numerology chart cycle is the longest.

A reason to know which cycles are the most powerful is for awareness. The cycles are traditional Pythagorean numerology. Knowing which of the cycles are the most powerful for certain periods of a person's life, the types of events and circumstances to expect during those periods can also be determined. This page has links to calculators and interpretations for certain cycles.

Why the Longest Cycle Is the Most Powerful

Shorter numerology cycles often get more attention than longer ones. But the longer cycles are more powerful.

Because shorter cycles get more personal attention, they can seem more powerful. But they are not. They can get more attention because their cycle numbers change more often than the numbers of longer cycles. It is the change that gets the attention, not their power.

The longer cycle is more powerful because it not only affects any shorter cycles within it, but it also has more time to pervade its energy within its affected area of influence.

For illustration, let's assume the current cycle of weather is Winter. It's cold. There has been snow on the ground so long that it feels permanent.

Somewhere near the middle of the Winter cycle there is a one-day cycle of a warmth. Although colder than a Spring day would be, it still feels like spring when compared with the chilled days that came before. People take advantage of it by doing outdoor chores and letting their moods rise.

The warm day's influence is within the Winter cycle.

The next day, however, the warm day cycle is gone and the Winter cycle is back in full force.

That one day of warmth may be noticed more than the seemingly ever-present Winter. And talked about more. Yet, the Winter cycle prevails because it is more powerful.

Similarly, as an example, the influence of the numerology personal year cycle can be different than the influence of the numerology pinnacle cycle.

Smaller numerology cycles may be noticed more, and can be taken advantage of during the cycle's existence. But the larger numerology cycle almost always is the more powerful.

Which Numerology Cycle Is the Longest?

The power number cycle is the longest numerology cycle. It becomes effective about mid life, in the 40s, and is effective for the rest of the person's life.

Most of the time before the power cycle kicks in, the first life period cycle is the most powerful numerology cycle.

There generally is a period between the end of the first life period cycle and when the power cycle becomes effective. The period generally is a few years, perhaps up to nine or more. During that intervening period, the second life period cycle is the most powerful.

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