Affinity Numerology : Personal Numerology Reading
About Your Free Numerology Reading
The free numerology reading available at this website is abbreviated, as are virtually all free numerology readings available online. Full, complete readings generally need to be paid for.
But free readings can still be very useful.
If a free reading provides interpretations for each of the major name numbers and the birthdate number, you might not need any more than that. If you want to delve further into who you are and what the future my hold, then get a full, complete reading for yourself.
The interpretations at this web site have a general positive slant rather than negative.
A numerology interpretation reflects the individual numerologist's understanding of the energies represented by specific numbers as related to the numerology chart position being interpreted. Sometimes individual numerologists may interpret the same energy differently than other numerologists. The essence of the interpretations, however, tend to align.
Interpretations for individual numerology chart positions may sometimes seem to be contrary to each other. They all work together to influence the whole person that is you.
Calculations for the birth name and the birth date are independent of each other. Thus, you can get a reading even if only one of them is provided — just not as comprehensive as would otherwise be the case.
The free online reading at this website is one of the best available anywhere on the internet. Interpretations are provided for each core numerology chart position and a few more:
The destiny number.
The heart's desire number.
The personality number.
The life path number.
The quiescent self number.
The personal year number for the current year.
The personal year number for next year.
Each interpretation talks about the energy represented by the number for the associated numerology chart position.
All of that comes with this website's free numerology reading. And more:
A free printable version of your reading you can print right from the reading interpretations page.
A free PDF document of your reading you can download.
Your reading printed on paper you can purchase and have delivered to you by a business associate of ours.
Use the free numerology reading form for yourself. It may also be used for family members and friends. And public figures.