Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again
Some people see the same number again and again, or a set of numbers.
This article talks about why people start seeing those numbers in the first place.
They go about their life. During the day, they see a certain number over and over. Although logically they know it is otherwise, it does feel like they see that number all the time.
Of course, people see many numbers during the course of a day.
Some people remember seeing certain numbers and totally forget the other numbers they saw. For those people, it seems as if they are only seeing that one number or set of numbers.
But how does it start?
A person notices a number they are familiar with in a personal way. Perhaps it has special meaning or an emotional significance.
When they see a number that they recognize as somehow special to them as a person, they remember it.
Maybe it is a time on the clock that has the same numbers as their birthday. Maybe the number somehow reminds them of how many days between a first date and a relationship commitment. Or the age of their child.
The number is a reminder and a recognition of something in their life.
That reminder, that special attention they give to it when they see the number, that extra mental activity, is why they remember seeing the number.
Other numbers are not given that much attention.
The number that gets the attention is the one remembered as being seen.
That is how it starts.
It continues because the person is now more inclined to notice the number as special when the number is seen during their daily activities.
After a while, the person may wonder why they keep seeing that number so often. That wondering makes the number even more significant and they are even more likely to remember seeing the number when it happens to be in their environment.
It may even feel imperative to find an answer of some kind. There may even be fear of what the answer might be.
The end to the angst that wondering why can create, so it doesn't go on for years, is to realize that the number is remembered because it is given more attention than other numbers whenever it is seen.