Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
How To Calculate Numerology Lucky Numbers
Broadly, numerology lucky numbers are the numbers at the various positions of a personal numerology chart.
Lucky numbers are both the intrinsic number and the reduced number of a personal numerology chart. As an example, if a chart position has the number 9, it may have been reduced from the intrinsic number 81. In that case, both 81 and 9 are considered to be lucky numbers.
The lucky numbers with generally the most strength or likelihood of affecting what happens or doesn't happen as a person lives life are the core numbers. These are the numbers with the most prominence in a personal chart.
Lucky numbers also include the other numbers of a personal numerology chart. Some have much strength, others not so much. The strength of lucky numbers page goes into more detail about how to determine which lucky numbers tend to be stronger than other lucky numbers.
Now, let's talk about how to calculate lucky numbers.
The index to online numerology tools and calculators page lists calculators that will do the calculations for specific personal numerology chart positions. But those, generally, are reduced to single-digit numbers.
To find all lucky numbers, the intrinsic number will also need to be known.
Here is how to calculate the intrinsic number for numbers (such as numbers of birth dates) and for letters (such as letters of names). To be complete, the reduced number is also calculated in the illustrations.
Finding the intrinsic number and reduced number of multi-digit numbers.
A single-digit number needs no calculation. The calculated result would be the same as the single-digit.
Multi-digit numbers, however, need to have each digit added together. Here are examples:
14: 1+4=5 72: 7+2=9 97: 9+7=16 12345: 1+2+3+4+5=15 67890: 6+7+8+9+0=30
In the above numbers, the numbers 14, 72, 97, 12345, and 67890 are intrinsic numbers. The single-digit results of the above calculations are the reduced number. The multi-digit results (called intermediate results — see the strength article) need further reduction to determine the reduced number.
14: 1+4=5 72: 7+2=9 97: 9+7=16 16: 1+6=7 12345: 1+2+3+4+5=15 15: 1+5=6 67890: 6+7+8+9+0=30 30: 3+0=3
The above calculations have now revealed all the reduced numbers from their original intrinsic numbers. The blue numbers are the intrinsic numbers. The green numbers are the intermediate results. And the red numbers are the reduced numbers.
Finding the intrinsic number and reduced number of letters.
The intrinsic number of a letter is the numerical value of the letter or the value of a sequence of letters.
Here is a table of letter values.
Letters: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Values: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Letters: | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
Values: | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Letters: | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U |
Values: | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
Letters: | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Values: | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
As you'll notice, the value of a letter is its sequencial position of the alphabet sequence.
Here are a few examples of intrinsic numbers found within letters.
E: 5 V: 22 EGG: 19 FREE WILL: 90
Each of the above numbers are intrinsic numbers. (The single-digit number also is its own reduced number.) The others will need further reduction to determine their reduced number.
E: 5 V: 22 22: 2+2=4 EGG: 19 19: 1+9=10 10: 1+0=1 FREE WILL: 90 90: 9+0=9
The above calculations have now revealed all the reduced numbers from their original intrinsic numbers. The orange number is the single-digit number that is both intrinsic and reduced. The rest of the colors are like the previous section: The blue numbers are the intrinsic numbers. The green numbers are the intermediate results. And the red numbers are the reduced numbers.
Having found the lucky numbers …
The intrinsic numbers, the intermediate results, and the reduced numbers are all considered to be lucky numbers — with various strengths.
It can seem like a lot of lucky numbers. And it is. But not all are highly important. See the strength of lucky numbers page for more about that.
The lucky numbers tool can be used to further sort the lucky numbers into types of lucky numbers.