Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

Numerology Questions Answered

Here are responses to some of the frequent questions about numerology that arrive in my mailbox.

These are short, general responses. The responses have links to more information related to the question.

Most of the questions are received through the Numerology Answers web site for answering there. Many, many questions are received. Some types of questions are received repeatedly.

These are the questions discussed in this article:

What is the best name for my success in life?
When will I marry?
Who will I marry?
Are we compatible?
Why do I see the number ... all the time?
What are my lucky numbers?

What is the best name for my success in life?

When people worry about their career, they may wonder if a different name would be an advantage.

It might be. A memorable professional name that resonates with the profession or the work the person does can indeed be an advantage.

Changing the personal name might be an advantage, depending on the current name and the reasons for the name change.

There are some significant considerations to address before changing ones name, including the entire numerology chart of the new name and how to make the transition from the old to the new.


When will I marry?

A numerology chart contains clues about which dates marriage is more likely to happen and which dates marriage is less likely to happen. See the marriage date prediction tool linked to below.

The partner also has a chart with clues to dates.

Those dates which occur for both partners are the most likely dates for marriage to happen.


Who will I marry?

This question generally can't be answered with numerology calculations.

If there is a partner or person you want to marry, talking with that person about the possibility of marriage is likely to be the best way to get the desired information.

If the question is imperative and there is no partner to consult with, a competent psychic or tarot reader may be consulted.


Are we compatible?

Numerology can be used to see how compatible the numerology charts are of a romantic or married couple.

There is more to compatibility than the numerology charts, of course. Similar backgrounds, similar purposes, personal needs, and other things also have an effect on compatibility.


Why do I see the number ... all the time?

Seeing a certain number or set of numbers repeatedly, more often than would be expected, can have any of a number of reasons. Here are several.

  1. Numbers in the numerology profile can reflect an attraction for those numbers, with the result that they are seen in their environment more often. Like does attract like.

  2. Some people feel seeing a certain number repeatedly means there is a special message for them. If true, it's likely to be a personal message rather than a generic "seeing the number ___ always means ___" meaning.

    If it is a personal message, it's more likely to be clear than intentionally obfuscated. The point of being a message is to be received and understood, not hidden in layers of riddles.

  3. Seeing a number a few times and wondering if it means something can set up a mystery in the mind.

    The mystery can cause the person to notice the same number more often, which intensifies the mystery, which tends to make the number noticed more often, and so on in an ever-tightening circle.

The links are to indexes of a number of articles and responses to questions that ask about this.


What are my lucky numbers?

The numbers in major positions of your numerology chart are considered to be your lucky numbers. The total of the numbers represented by the vowels of your name added together, for example.

The numbers in major chart positions have a high influence on the person you are and the life you live.

Things, events, and circumstances that resonate with the major numbers are more likely to be attracted to you than numbers not present in your chart. Thus, the major numbers are considered to be the lucky numbers.


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