Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions

9 Things Numerology Can't Predict

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Some things numerology can't predict.
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Numerology can't predict some things.

It doesn't know who you'll marry, if you'll pass the exam, or when you'll get a job.

What it can do, though, is calculate and reveal probabilities and the type of things that are likely to happen. And to reveal tendencies.

Numerology uses exact mathematical calculations to find out certain things. To do the calculations, the information required for the calculations must be known — generally, the birth name and birth date of every person relevant to the answer being sought.

One area of inquiry that can't be numerologically calculated with any acceptable degree of accuracy is what a person will do or not do.

Tendencies, yes. Individual actions, no.

Another thing that can't be numerologically calculated is the effect on a person of their childhood experiences and social environment.

The individual's likely reactions or points of view, yes. The actual effect of the environment and experiences, no.

Following is a list of 9 events that can't be accurately predicted with numerology.

9 Things That Can't Be Accurately Predicted With Numerology

At the Numerology Answers website, we answer questions with numerology. Yet, some of the questions can't be answered with numerology. The following lists some of the most frequent ones.

Some things can be more accurately predicted than other things. The following can't be predicted with any acceptable degree of accuracy.

The first 5 relate to marriage. The rest relate to other areas of living.

1. Who Will I Marry?

It may be considered that couples who are more compatible are more likely to get married than couples who are less compatible. But that would be only a consideration, a tendency at best. Happy and successful marriages exist between numerologically incompatible individuals.

If a list of choices is provided, numerology can be used to calculate compatibility; so long as it's understood that compatibility isn't a compelling element.

Without a list of names and birth dates, not even compatibility can be calculated.

2. Will I Get Married to [Person's Name]?

With two people's name and birth data at hand, compatibility can be calculated. But that still won't guarantee a marriage.

A much more reliable prediction can be made by simply asking the people whether or not they are willing to get married to each other. One can ask the other or a third party can do the asking.

3. When Will I Get Married?

The Likely Marriage Dates Calculator tool can be used to calculate dates that are more favorable to marriage.

There generally are a number of dates listed, more for some people and less for others. While any of the listed dates are conducive, there's no guarantee that another date won't be chosen for reasons having nothing to do with numerology.

If both people's birth dates are known, a list of dates for both can be obtained. Those dates that appear on both lists are the most conducive of all.

4. When Will I Get Pregnant?

If there's a problem with pregnancy, it's better to see an accredited medical professional specializing in pregnancies than it is to ask a numerologist.

Numerology can't predict when the action that makes people pregnant will happen. And numerology is inappropriate for questions of a medical nature.

5. Will I Get a Divorce?

That would be between you and your spouse and what it takes to be in compliance with the expectations of your religion (if applicable) and the laws of your country or geographical region.

Numerology can't predict with even a small degree of accuracy the further actions of people who contemplate a divorce.

6. Will I Pass the Exam?

Several things make it more likely and less likely that a person will pass an exam following a course of study.

  • Is the study subject interesting? If yes, passing is more likely. Similarly, if the subject resonates with the student's numerology chart.

  • How the study is conducted can have an effect on how well it's learned and on the exam score. Some people learn and retain information better by attending formal lectures, some by reading, some by hands-on activities, and some in other ways.

  • An environment that is or is not conducive to study can have an effect on the results of the exam. Conducive to study includes absence of distractions in the environment, support from the instructor or professor, and good relationships with other students.

None of those are calculable with numerology.

7. When Will I Get a Job?

Numerology is unable to calculate the economic conditions of a geographical area, the availability of the type of jobs being pursued, or the skills and experience of the person looking for a job. All of which have an effect on when, or even if, the person will get a job.

If the type of job being looked for and the skills and experience align with the person's numerology chart and interests, it's likely a job will be found sooner rather than later — subject to the job being available where it's being looked for.

8. I Want to Know Everything About My Future

It's understandable that a person wants to know what's up ahead.

However, it may not be wise to know everything about one's future.

Numerology can reveal tendencies and likelihoods. But not certainties. Let's leave it at that.

9. When Will I Die?

Death dates aren't calculable with numerology. And probably not predictable by any divination practice. Except, perhaps by psychic impression in individual cases.

A qualified medical doctor may be consulted for an estimate of longevity.

Numerology is a useful tool for understanding tendencies — the types of events that are likely to be encountered in living. How a person responds to those events is determined by free will.

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